This translation is no longer available in its original location on the web at, and therefore it has been copied here for ease of reference, with minimal alterations. Little is known about Demetrius, apart from his name; and even his approximate date (perhaps 1st or 2nd century A.D.) is uncertain. The Greek text of his treatise can be found at Perseus.
This e-version of W. Rhys Roberts' translation of Demetrius On Style was adapted from: Demetrius On style: the Greek text of Demetrius De Elocutione edited after the Paris manuscript with introd., translation, facsimiles, etc. by W. Rhys Roberts (Cambridge, at the University Press: 1902), pp. 67-207. This is only the translation from Robert's edition, and does not include his scholarly notes or commentary. Some of Roberts' notes have been converted to in-line links and modified to reflect reference style at the Perseus Project.