
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum: 18.343


Greek text:   SEG_18.343 
Provenance:   Thasos 
Date:   c. 85-25 B.C. 
Tags:     women
Format:   see key to translations

This inscription was published in 1959, with a French translation, by F Salviat,  "Décrets pour Épié, fille de Dionysios : déesses et sanctuaires thasiens" ( Persée ).   It shows that to serve as a priest or a religious official had become an expensive liturgy, which could only be afforded by one of the local elite; see B. Dignas, "Benefitting Benefactors: Greek Priests and Euergetism", p. 73 ( Persée ).

[A]   With unanimous agreement. Since Ēpiē daughter of Dionysios behaves piously towards the gods and generously towards the people, and has willingly committed herself to all the times that she has served as neōkoros {"temple warden"}, in which she has not only acted honourably towards the community, but also she has repaired the temples from her personal resources, and was the first to offer dedications in the Artemision and the temple of Aphrodite, and whenever there was an occasion for her to assist the citizens, she has been generous towards them as well; 10 and now she wishes to construct the porch {propylon} of the Artemision from her own resources, with stone pillars and architraves and doorways, since some of the openings are blocked up and some are without doors;   therefore it is resolved by the council and the people, that Ēpiē daughter of Dionysios shall be praised for her virtue and prudence and magnanimity towards the city; and when she has constructed the temple porch, she shall inscribe on it: 'Ēpiē daughter of Dionysios dedicated the restoration and construction of the temple porch to Artemis Eileithyia and to the people'.

[B]   With unanimous agreement. Since Ēpiē daughter of Dionysios, who has acted honourably 20 towards the gods and the citizens in many other ways, lives in a manner worthy of the nobility and honour of her ancestors, and wants to miss no opportunity in which she can act honourably in any way either towards the gods or towards men; and now she has undertaken the priesthood, [which] no other woman has undertaken because it is unprofitable and costly, accepting the burden on herself of the expenses arising from the adornment and [worship] of the gods;   therefore it is resolved by the council and the people that she shall be praised and considered worthy of all honour on account of her ancestors and her personal magnanimity; 30 and she shall be appointed priestess of Zeus Eubouleus at the altars of Demeter, and whenever she is present at the altars, for a sacrifice or a gathering, then she shall be dressed in white vestments and the customary attire.

[C]   With unanimous agreement. It was resolved by the council and the people: since Ēpiē daughter of Dionysios has willingly undertaken all the times that she has served as neōkoros and as far as she has been able has acted honourably towards the people; and now she wishes to dedicate a crown of three gold pieces to Artemis, and a figure of one gold piece to Aphrodite, and two veils for the goddesses;   therefore it is resolved by the [council] and the people to acknowledge 40 her enthusiasm [and her] piety towards the gods; and she shall be permitted to inscribe the dedications when Dionysodoros son of . . . is hieromnemon.

[D]   It was resolved by the council and the people , with unanimous agreement: since Ēpiē daughter of Dionysios, because of her piety towards the gods and her goodwill towards the people, has willingly performed all her times of service as neōkoros, and in all of them she has acted honourably towards the gods and towards the people, in a manner worthy of herself, and she is already serving as  neōkoros of Athena for the third time; and because this duty {liturgy} is costly, other women are reluctant to serve as  neōkoros, 50 but Ēpiē has accepted the role on account of her goodwill towards the people, and whenever there is no other neōkoros, she herself serves as neōkoros;   therefore it is resolved by the council and the people to praise and acknowledge her enthusiasm and piety, and that she shall be neōkoros of Athena for life, whenever no other woman undertakes the role.

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