The Passion of Saint Shushanik
The Martyrdom of St. Vardan Mamikonian's Daughter
Translated with an Introduction
by Rev. Father Krikor Vardapet Maksoudian
Edited by Christopher H. Zakian
This material is presented solely for non-commercial educational/research purposes.
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In memory of
Yeretsgin Agnes Rose Maksoudian
Introduction, ix
Note on the Translation, xxi
The Lineage of Saint Shushanik, xxiii
[Genealogical Table]
The Passion of Saint Shushanik, 1
(the long Armenian version)
The Passion of Saint Shushanik, 41
(the short Armenian version)
A History of the Holy Cross of Nune, 49
Excerpts from Bishop Ukhtanes' History, 69
The Life of Shushanik, 77
(1708 edition of the Menologion)
The Life of Shushanik, 79
(1834 edition of the Menologion)
The Martyrdom of Shushanik, 81
Notes, 83
Glossary, 87
Index of Proper Names, 111
As Krikor Vardapet notes in his Introduction, this work is intended primarily for the laity. Those interested in a detailed analysis of the historical background to the Passion may consult another work available on this website: Cyril Toumanoff's Studies in Christian Caucasian History (Georgetown, 1963), especially Parts II, States and Dynasties of Caucasia
in the Formative Centuries; IV, Iberia between Chosroid and Bagratid Rule; and V, The Armeno-Georgian Marchlands.
The following chronological tables may be useful as accompaniments to the translation. The tables and most other links on this page open in separate windows.
Rulers of Armenia and of Eastern and Western Empires
Kat'oghikoi and Corresponding Secular Rulers of the Armenians
Rulers of Armenia and Iberia/Georgia
Additional tables are available on another page of this site:
Chronological Tables.
On our Maps Page, find "Toumanoff" for additional maps by Toumanoff and W.E.D. Allen.
Two other works by Krikor Vardapet are available on other pages of this website:
Yovhannes Drasxanakertc'i's History of Armenia (10th century); and
Chosen of God a study of the election of the Catholicos of all Armenians.
HTML formatting by Robert Bedrosian, 2009.
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© 1999 Fr. Krikor H. Maksoudian
By order of His Eminence
Archbishop Khajag Barsamian
Primate, Diocese of the Armenian Church of America
Printed as a book
by St. Vartan Press (N.Y. 1999)
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