
Translations of Hellenistic Inscriptions: 201


Greek text:   IG_12.5.653 
Provenance:     Syros 
Date:   150-100 B.C.
Tags:     pirates ,   slaves
Format:   see key to translations

For some comments on this inscription, see C.Constantakopoulou, "Cycladic Archaeology and History: Some Thoughts", pp. vii-viii ( ). Its date was previously thought to be slightly later, in the early part of the 1st century B.C.

The first half of the translation is adapted from C.Constantakopoulou, "Slaves, Goats and Pirates in the Aegean Islands", no. 4 ( ). There is a complete French translation by A.Bielman, "Retour ŕ la liberté", no. 52 ( Cephael ).

It was resolved by the council and the people, as proposed by Kyrsilos, son of Akryptos, from the tribe Naxitēs, who had written a demand to access the council: since Onesandros of Siphnos, the son of Boulon, has shown towards our city in the previous years much foresight, making himself useful and good towards all, while preparing to pay for the expenses, not grudging any grievance and expense that he undertook for the benefit of our city and for our citizens who arrived, having private affairs in the city of Siphnos; some time ago, there were tidings that many hostile ships 10 were bound to attack us in the countryside and the city in search of persons to seize and hold for ransom; a great disturbance took place in the city, especially when it was announced that they had moored in the territory of the Siphnians, and about these affairs the people of Syros immediately elected a man to arrive at Siphnos, Ktesikles, son of Charikleides, during the night, because of a careful consideration of the matters written above. In those matters Onesandros wanted to  prove his goodwill towards the people; when he found out from Ktesikles what has already been stated, he welcomed him with kindness, and also his sons, Boulon and Nikon, and he paid Ekphantos to go to Siphnos, 20 and with him some other younger men whom he urged to go, in order to explore the countryside, and find out with clarity whether the news was true.  Having told this to Ktesikles, he sent him quickly, taking care to arrange to pick him up, as Ktesikles needed to appear in front of the assembly. Similarly, the slaves abducted by the pirates, Noumenios and Botrys, who belong to Sosilos, son of Xenopeithes, were taken to the Eschatia {"border territory"} and then the pirates put into port on the island across of Siphnos {probably Kitrianē}. One of them, Noumenios, swam across away from the pirates, 30 and Onesandros received him, having found out that he is from Syros, and fed him for a time, and once he dressed him, he sent him to our town under his own expenses. For these things, the people, knowing Onesandros' benevolence and his goodwill, which he showed to the people and to all the citizens of Syros, granted to Onesandros proxeny and privileged seating at the games that the city organises, and access to the council and the people second only to sacred affairs, if he has need of anything.  Subsequently he has made himself far more useful, and because of the honours that have been given to him, he does not grudge any expense or danger 40 to act on behalf of the city's interests. 

  Therefore in order that our city may be seen to be properly grateful and to honour good and worthy men as much as possible, and that many others may devote themselves to our interests, recognising the noble behaviour of the people, with good fortune it is resolved by the council and the people to praise Onesandros of Siphnos, the son of Boulon, for the good attitude that he has towards our people, and to crown him with a golden crown as precribed by law.  The sacred herald shall announce the award of the crown in the contest of the tragedians at the Dionysia and in the procession of the Herakleia and in the torch race of the Demetrieia, as follows: 50 "The people of Syros crowns Onesandros of Siphnos, the son of Boulon, on account of his piety towards the gods and the goodwill that he continually has towards all the Syrans."  The prytaneis who are in office shall always take care of the announcement, and after this decree is authorised the treasurer Aristagoras shall give to Onesandros the money assigned to the crown by law, out of the routine finances.  So that the benevolence of the people may be clear, and many may strive to be benefactors of the people because Onesandros has been honoured, this decree shall be inscribed on a stone stele and placed in as prominent a place as possible.  A man shall be chosen, 60 to let a contract for the stele, and to set it up and to take care that this decree is inscribed on it; the treasurer Aristagoras shall give money for the cost of the stele and its inscription from the routine finances, in whatever way the man letting the contract fulfils the task. In order that the Siphnians may be aware of the honours that have been decreed for their citizen Onesandros, the prytaneis shall take care that a copy is made, and shall seal it with the public seal, so that they can send this decree to the people of Siphnos.   Kyrsilos son of Akryptos was chosen to let the contract.

inscription 202

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