Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum: 23.271
Greek text: IThesp_84
Provenance: Thespiai , Boeotia
Date: c. 210 B.C.
Tags: ephebes , gymnasiarchs , leagues , lists
Format: see key to translations
This inscription is the most comprehensive single list of Hellenistic magistrates, which provides a snapshot of the government of a medium-sized Greek city. The surviving part contains most of one year, and the first half of the following year.
There is a thorough discussion of the inscription by P.Roesch, "Thespies et la confédération béotienne" ( 1965 ), including a list of the 51 magistracies mentioned in the inscription - many of these are boards of magistrates, rather than a single official. The categories into which he divided the list are shown in green in this translation.
The date of the inscription is not certain, but the date above was suggested by D. Knoepfler, in Chiron 22(1992), no. 98.
* * *
{B} Federal magistrates chosen by the city
- councillors [in the league { koinon }] :
Pouthon son of Kleokrates,
Em... son of ...les,
Saosias son of Damon
- aphedriteuōn :
Dexikles son of Dexikles
- (?) agoranomos { agonarchos } :
Damon son of Neandros
{C} Religious and financial affairs
Magistracies in the city
- (?) theoros :
Sokrates son of Mnasikles
- hieromnemon :
Agathon son of Telenikos
- superintendent of temples :
Hismeinias son of Charikles
- secretary of temples :
Euchoros son of Pharadas
- athlothete for the Muses :
Euxes son of Ariston
- treasurer of temples :
Lousias son of Amphikrates
- 10 harbour managers in Kreusis { limenarchoi } :
Euenetos son of Eumaron,
Mikinas son of Lousippos,
Antiochos son of Ariston,
Saon son of Mnasias,
Hermas son of Kleainos,
Eudamos son of Asopodoros,
Euwergon son of Theoxenos
- agonothete of the Mouseia :
{ blank }
- overseers { katoptai } :
Poutheas son of Thallos,
Mouron son of Dorion,
{ blank }
- secretary :
{ blank }
{D} Military Commanders
- (i) Cavalry
- troop commanders { wilarchoi } :
Phaeinos son of Torteas,
Nikomachos son of Melanthos,
Mnasikles son of Saon,
Athanodoros son of Theomnastos
- tarantinarchos :
Eubolidas son of Asklapon
- (ii) Infantry
- 20 company commander { lochagos agematos } :
Kleon son of Autonomos
- officers of the peltasts :
Damokritos son of Aristomachos,
{ blank }
- commander of the ephebes { ephebarchos } :
Pouthion son of Pouthion
- officers of the picked troops :
Peileklidas son of Eukles,
Stroton son of Apollodoros
- (iii) Auxiliary Troops
- officer of the archers :
Hagias son of Agathokles
- officer of the slingers :
{ blank }
- commanders of the huntsmen { archikynagoi } :
Eraton son of Eutouchos,
Praxon son of Sostratos,
Lochagos son of (?) Haphestion,
Philondas son of Sokles
- (iv) Monitors of Training
- commanders of the hoplites { lochagoi hoplitais } :
Euthynos son of Timon,
{ blank }
- 30 commander of the veterans :
Xenophanes son of Xenon
{E} Supplies and Finance
- corn officers for the royal property { sitōnai } :
Diokles son of Agathokles,
{ blank }
- treasurer for the royal property :
Thetimos son of Theodotos
- corn officers for the consecrated property :
Athanias son of Damosthenes,
{ blank }
- treasurer for the consecrated property :
Eumaron son of Kaphisodoros
- corn sellers { sitopōlai } :
Kleoichos son of Apelleas,
Neophanes son of Agathokles,
Damon son of Me...os
- (?) treasurer :
Apelles . . .
- . . . :
. . .
- 40 secretary :
. . .
- (?) thesmophylakes :
. . . son of ...nikos,
Sthenoklidas son of Nikon,
Dorkon [and] Simos sons of Mikinas,
Kleon son of Kleon
- secretary :
Sostron son of Hipposthenes
- treasurers :
Kaphisodoros son of Philobotos,
Euagon son of Ariston,
Phouskion son of Phouskion
{F} Sports and Festivals
- paidonomoi :
Thebangelos son of Hismeinias,
Milles son of Philon,
{ blank }
- supervisors of women { gynaikonomoi } :
{ blank }
{ blank }
- gymnasiarchs for the older men :
Pharadas son of Euchoros,
Euthyphron son of Euphrastos,
{ blank }
- 50 gymnasiarchs for the younger men { ephebes } :
Archelaos son of Theon,
Eraton son of Silas,
Pouthonikos son of Patreas
- (?) agoranomoi { agonarchoi } :
Archippos son of Timon,
Eumaron son of Euphasis,
Heuresias son of Karaiogitos
- secretary :
Agathokles son of Dionysios
{G} Miscellaneous Magistracies
- leaders of the Eleven { hendekarchoi } :
Xeneas son of Aristokrates,
Timokles son of Kallikrates,
Mnasistrotos son of Agathon,
Dionysios son of Mnasion,
Ariston son of Dionysios
- secretary :
Wastylles son of Timon
- guides { hodagoi } :
Torteas son of Phaeinos,
Stroton son of Sion,
Xenophantos son of Pantias
- 60 secretary :
Theangelos son of Nikias
{A} Central Administration
When Epigenes was archon, magistracies which were sworn in
- polemarchs :
Euphronios son of Molon,
Damophaon son of Euormidas,
Aristeas son of Nikon
- secretary :
Diokles son of Potamodoros
- hipparch :
Amphion son of Kaphisodoros
{B} Federal magistrates chosen by the city
Magistracies in Onchestos for which oaths were taken
- councillors in the league { koinon } :
Diogenes son of Lamprinidas,
Telenikos son of Philoxenos,
Hiaridas son of Sosigiton
- thesmophylax :
Euphorbos son of Menekrates
- aphedriteuōn :
Saosias son of Philoxenos
- secretary :
Nikodamos son of Philes
- (?) agoranomos { agonarchos } :
. . . son of Theokles
{C} Religious and financial affairs
[Magistracies in the city]
- . . . :
Antikrates son of Athanias
- hieromnemon :
Isokrates son of Mikinnas
- 70 superintendent of temples :
. . .
- . . . :
Phileinos son of Nikias,
Theangelos son of Dexikles
- harbour managers { limenarchoi } :
Philon . . . ,
Hermas son of Aristonikos,
Silas son of Athan...,
. . .,
Emmonos son of Eumareidas
- agonothete of the Mouseia :
Ktesikles son of Saon
- overseers { katoptai } :
Thedoros . . .,
Torteas son of Phaeinos,
Sosikles son of Theodoros
- secretary :
. . .
{D} Military Commanders
- (i) Cavalry
- troop commanders { wilarchoi } :
Kanas son of Poutheas,
(?) Patreas . . . ,
. . . son of Hippokrates,
{ blank }
- tarantinarchos :
Chaireas son of Petagenes
- (ii) Infantry
- 80 [company] commander { lochagos agematos } :
Louson son of Hapheistion
- . . . :
Eutouchos son of Theogeitos,
Kal... . . .
...ondas son of Thiodoros
- (iii) Auxiliary Troops
- commander of the archers { toxarchos } :
. . .
- . . . :
Archedamos son of Eurodikos
- (iv) Monitors of Training
- commanders of the hoplites { lochagoi hoplitais } :
. . . ,
. . .
- commander of the ephebes { ephebarchos } :
Themistokles son of Ne...
{E} Supplies and Finance
- treasurers :
Aleximachos son of Pouthon,
Nikippos son of Ch...,
...akratos son of Pouthon,
Athanias . . .
. . .
Cherondas son of Nikidas,
Philippos . . .
* * *
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