
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum: 52.724


Greek text:   SEG_52.724
Date:   c. 200 B.C.
Tags:     corn_supply
Format:   see key to translations

This inscription, which was found at Pliska in Bulgaria, is generally considered to be a decree of the city of Istros. The local tribe called Skiroi, who appear in line 16, are also mentioned in a decree of Olbia in honour of Protogenes ( Austin_115 - line B.6 ).

Because it was published relatively recently, the inscription has not received as much attention as others from Istros; and some doubts have been expressed about the accuracy of the first edition of the Greek text. As a result, the translation is no more than tentative in some places.

It was resolved by the council and the people, when Dioskourides son of Aristokles was epimenios, [as proposed by] the magistrates.

Since Meniskos son of Theodoros has continually acted as a noble man concerning the city and the citizens, and has offered his services eagerly in all the critical times of the city; and in all his duties as magistrate and supervisor and assessor, as well as in embassies and committees, he honourably says and does what is best for the [people] at all times. 10 When he became hipparch for the territory, he [safely] protected the existing property of the citizens by confronting many of our enemies in person, and he came to hand it back to the [people]. When the citizens were shut up in the city, and he was [again] sent out through enemy territory as envoy to Atēs [and the] Skiroi, not taking any account of the danger he achieved [much] that was advantageous to the people. When they plotted against the city, he was present [to reveal] their plot to the people, and the crisis that [would occur] 20 (?) if they did not guard against it happening; appearing . . . concerning the citizens . . . he persuaded them both to give a place and . . . obtaining [(?) six] hundred gold coins from the city, so that he should arrange . . . to deliberate in accordance with the ordinance {diagramma} [both in the] committee and in the assembly . . . he [persuaded] the people on account of (?) deviations to renew [the friendship], through which it happened that [our people] did not pay tribute, and were in a better situation than others in Greece [who had] to pay [one thousand] and nine hundred gold coins 30 over many years. By his calm advice he preserved other things for the [city]. He built up the temple and gave it honours . . . and to keep it away from markets. When he became supervisor of the corn supply, on many occasions he sold corn that was as far [as possible] sufficient to feed the people, and he gained a [great] reputation [in a manner worthy] also (?) of this commandment, honourably [and] justly; for which the people urged . . . [he took thought] concerning the corn distribution on an equal basis, 40 so that they should still receive care and there should be provisions for women [and children], as well as for the other citizens. Towards taking part in [the] work of the ci[tizens] . . . to farmers often . . . a valid registration.

[Therefore it is resolved by the council and] the people to praise Meniskos for these things and to record him a benefactor of the people. He and his descendants shall be crowned at the games with a [golden] crown, on account of his bravery [and] goodwill. 50 A [bronze] statue of him shall be placed in the agora and this decree shall be written on the base; in addition to this, the leaders shall inscribe the decree on [a stele] and set it up in the temple of Apollo. The treasurer shall give money for the [cost of it]; and the distributors {meristai} shall distribute it. He [shall have] three hundred gold coins to replenish his personal fortune and for [sacrifices], so that others may act more honourably, knowing that the people honours [good] men and [gives them in return] everything that is deserved by their benefactions.

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