
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum: 67.265


Greek text:   EpOropou_745a
Provenance:     Oropos , Boeotia
Date:   200-150 B.C.
Tags:     curses
Format:   see key to translations

This lead tablet was found in a grave on the site of the ancient city of Oropos. The text has been re-edited with an English translation by J. Curbera, "Six Boeotian Curse Tablets" (ZPE, 2017), no. 3.

[A]   I write down Theoxenos for Pluto and for the Mounogenēs { Hekate }, as well as Kallistides, and Epizelos, and Eupolis and Demetria, the mother of Epithallis, and Hierokleides; he and his 'chosen children' (?), the stealer of the sandals, the table and of many other things; and their nurse Oikonomia, and Xenokrateia and her son Dionysios; destroy them all and whoever is nice to her. I pray and beg from you all these things be heard; and expel all and receive those evil and miserable people; and make their life forever childless, and that nobody [takes care] of them; and produce no offspring, nor bring them up, and if any has children, let these be pitiable and miserable. Being wronged I pray you that all these things are heard. And remember the prayers that I have written down. I curse them to be unmarried, pitiable and miserable, all of them; and I bind the written ones down, they and all their things; I bind down also their bed and their tongues and their activity.

[B]   Being wronged and not wronging anybody beforehand, I therefore pray that the things that I am writing and commending to you be accomplished; make them . . ., and expel them, as well as Diphilos and Prauleas and Kapron; and receive these evil and miserable people; and let no good thing be for them, but receive this evil and miserable people; and Laodike their young slave; let us look upon them as pitiable, miserable, pained, and dead before their time; I write down Dionysodoros, the son of Pirges, for the Mounogenēs { Hekate } and Pluto; I write down all these on sheets of metal; I bind all down after being wronged by them; I also write Mikion down, and all his things, and I bind down their 'chosen children' (?); . . . accomplish all the other things . . . to die.

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