Claudia - in ancient sources @ attalus.org
This is part of the index of names on the attalus website. The names occur either in lists of events (arranged by year, from the 4th to the 1st century B.C.) or in translations of sources. There are many other sources available in translation online - for a fuller but less precise search, Search Ancient Texts.
On each line there is a link to the page where the name can be found.
- daughter of Ap. Claudius Caecus, 3rd century B.C.
→ DPRR record
Claudia is convicted of treason for remarks about her brother.
Claudia 2
- grand-daughter of Ap. Claudius Caecus, who led the image of Cybele into Rome
→ DPRR record
+ Valeria
Rome; P.Scipio Nasica and Claudia are chosen to lead it into the
  Within translations:
of the matrons, Quinta Claudia, whose antique severity your
Nasica to be the best man, and Valeria the best woman.
by the test of religion, Claudia, when the Mother of the
fire. The statue of Quinta Claudia, placed near the entry into
woman. Then the Vestal Virgin Claudia , who was falsely suspected
Claudia 4
- a Vestal virgin, daughter of the consul of 143 B.C.
→ DPRR record
with the support of his daughter Claudia, who is a Vestal virgin.
Claudia 5
- the wife of Ti. Gracchus
→ DPRR record
Ti.Gracchus marries Claudia.
Claudia 6
(Clodia Pulchra) - daughter of Fulvia, and briefly wife of Octavianus
→ DPRR record
Octavianus repudiates his wife Claudia, the daughter of Fulvia.
- in documents
ildren. CIL_1 .1211 Latin Text Claudia. Tablet or pi
led Sebastē and Julia and Claudia and Domitiana and
Claudia → see
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