Adapted from the translation by Robin Osborne, "Athens and Athenian Democracy", pp. 59-61 ( Google Books ). Rhamnous was a deme of Attica, which like some other demes (for instance, Eleusis) sometimes acted independently of Athens, and passed its own decrees. For another example of a Greek decree passed by a koinon of residents, see inscription 62 from Syme.
There is another translation of inscription A at AIO.
[A] In the year when Ekphantos was archon; the Rhamnousians decided, on the proposal of Elpinikos of Rhamnous, the son of Mnesippos, that since Dikaiarchos had carried on his father's goodwill towards the people of Athens and the corporation {koinon} of those stationed at Rhamnous, and continues that goodwill, and when he was set in charge of the security of the fort and those living in it by king Antigonos, along with his father Apollonios, he showed himself and those stationed under his father well disciplined, and because of this the Rhamnousians and those living in the fort crowned both of them with a gold crown according to the law; and in the same way when his father was at Eleusis he was praised and crowned by the Eleusinians and the other Athenians living in the fort; and again when he was put in charge at Panakton he looked after the security of that fort and of the rest of the Attic countryside well and gloriously; and now stationed by king Demetrios on the headland of the Eretrians, he continues to be well disposed to the people of the Athenians, both to all in common and individually to those seeking refuge for their flocks because of the war, protecting them and helping in any way he is asked to; and when the general Philokedes came to Eretria he pleaded with him and had one of the citizens who had been condemned to death freed from prison and saved him, showing how well disposed he is to the citizens; and he announces that for the future he will meet the needs both of the people in common and of any individual citizen as he is asked to; and he has given victims for the sacrifice to Nemesis and to the king from his own money, at a time when sacrifices had ceased because of the war, in order that the Rhamnousians should have their relations with the goddess in good order; therefore the Rhamnousians and the other Athenians and all those living at Rhamnous decided, with good fortune, to praise Dikaiarchos of Thria, the son of Apollonios, for his valour and the good disposition which he continually shows to [king] D[emetrios] and the people of Athens and the corporation of those living at Rhamnous, and to crown him with a gold crown according to the law. The epimeletai and demarch of the Rhamnousians shall have this decree inscribed on two stone steles, in order that there may be a memorial to those who are prepared to do good to the corporation of the Rhamnousians and those who inhabit the fort, and shall place one in the sanctuary of Dionysos and one in the sanctuary of Nemesis. The treasurer of the Rhamnousians shall distribute the expense of the manufacture of the steles and the inscription of the decree and reckon it to the members of the deme. Five members of the deme shall be chosen to see to the completion of what has now been decreed. The following were chosen:
[B] The citizens living at Rhamnous honour Dikaiarchos.
[C] The Rhamnousians and the citizens living at Rhamnous decided, on the proposal of Timokrates of Oa, the son of Epigenes, that since Menandros, when he had been appointed trierarch for the year when Niketes was archon, looked after the the equipment of the boat keenly and well, spending of his own money as much as those serving under him demanded; and he made oil available to the young men in order that they might take care of their bodies and become fitter; and he sacrificed to Zeus Soter and Athena Soteira for the health, safety and unanimity of the fellow sailors, in order that being safe and in concord they might be useful for the people in future, and gave an ambitious entertainment at his own expense; and he crowned the rowers of the boat for their keenness among themselves; and he paid the fee for guarding the boat and when he arrived at Rhamnous he sacrificed to Nemesis along with the general and the hieropoioi who had been elected with him, and provided sacrificial victims and wine; therefore, in order that there may be rivalry among future trierarchs in the knowledge that they will receive worthy thanks from those they benefit, the Athenians sailing together on the undecked ship have decided, with good fortune, to praise Menandros of Eitea, the son of Teisandros, and to crown him with a gold crown according to the law for his valour and ambition shown towards them; also he shall have exemption from sailing for the future. The inscription shall be inscribed on a stone stele and set up at the gate. Three men shall now be chosen from their own number to see to the completion of what has been decreed. The expense incurred shall be charged to the corporation {koinon}. The following were chosen:
[D] The Athenian fellow sailors honour Menandros of Eitea, the son of Teisandros.
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