
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum: 36.331


Greek text:   SEG_36.331
Date:   323-311 B.C.
Tags:     lists
Format:   see key to translations

Lists of theorodokoi have survived from various places in the Hellenistic world. This one is unusual, because among all the names of ordinary citizens, near the beginning there is the name of a king: Nikokreon of Salamis in Cyprus. The reason for this is revealed by another inscription, IG 4.583, which shows that Nikokreon claimed a family connection with Argos.

The list was originally laid out in a straightforward format, divided into different regions. However the need to make corrections, and add new names, has disordered some parts of it. Lines A.11-13 and B.33-46 were clearly written by a different, later hand.

The inscription was published by S.G. Miller, "The Theorodokoi of the Nemean Games" ( PDF ). Although its approximate date is made obvious by the mention of Nikokreon, a more exact date is difficult to prove. A date of 315 B.C. has been suggested by I. Xydopoulos, "The theorodokoi inscription from Nemea and the date of IG IV, 583" ( ).

[A]   . . .

[B]   . . .

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