Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum: 36.331
Greek text: SEG_36.331
Date: 323-311 B.C.
Tags: lists
Format: see key to translations
Lists of theorodokoi have survived from various places in the Hellenistic world. This one is unusual, because among all the names of ordinary citizens, near the beginning there is the name of a king: Nikokreon of Salamis in Cyprus. The reason for this is revealed by another inscription, IG 4.583, which shows that Nikokreon claimed a family connection with Argos.
The list was originally laid out in a straightforward format, divided into different regions. However the need to make corrections, and add new names, has disordered some parts of it. Lines A.11-13 and B.33-46 were clearly written by a different, later hand.
The inscription was published by S.G. Miller, "The Theorodokoi of the Nemean Games" ( PDF ). Although its approximate date is made obvious by the mention of Nikokreon, a more exact date is difficult to prove. A date of 315 B.C. has been suggested by I. Xydopoulos, "The theorodokoi inscription from Nemea and the date of IG IV, 583" ( ).
[A] . . .
- . . . Nikostratos
In Cyprus :
In Salamis :
- Nikokreon son of Pnytagoras
- Teukros son of Akestokreon
In Kourion :
- Pasikrates son of Aristokrates
- Themistagoras son of Aristokrates
In Soloi :
- 10 Stasikrates son of Stasias
In Seriphos :
- Euarchos son of Paideas
In Acarnania :
In Palairos :
- Diophantos son of Lykophronidas
- Diokles son of Thersilochos
- Euphron son of Epiphron
20 In Anaktorion :
- Alexion son of Andromachos
- Damotimos son of Andromachos
- Androlaos son of Andromachos
In Echinos :
- Stilpon son of Olympichos
In Thyrrheion :
- Alketas son of Antimachos
In Euripos :
- Polyalkes son of Chairimenes
- 30 Eualkes son of Chairimenes
In Limnai :
- Philistos son of Aristomachos
- Drōxias son of Aristomachos
In Oiniadai :
- Pheidon
- Porphyrion son of Damotharses
- Philon son of Timosthenes
In Stratos :
- Aischron son of Admatos
- 40 Ephesios son of Echekrates
In Dērion :
- Telenikos son of Hagesandros
- Brachymelos son of Archedamos
In Mediōn :
- Phrikinas son of Nikeratos
- Nikolaos and Soterios sons of Sosandros
In Phoitiai :
- Menestheus son of Miltiadas
In Korontai :
- 50 Pausanias son of Theopropidas
- Samiadas son of Samias
In Astakoi :
- Herakleidas son of Ophryadas
[B] . . .
- Agias [son of] Kle...
In Corcyra :
- Aischron son of Teuthras
In Leukas :
- 10 Daïmenes
- Kleas
- Thrason son of Thrasylochos
- Kallikles and Theodoros sons of Kallias
In Macedonia :
In Amphipolis :
- Persas son of Nikolaos
In Lētē :
- 20 Menandros son of Lysandros
From Alante :
- Aphthonētos son of Pythodoros
- Aristonous
From the Hellespont :
In Lampsakos :
- . . .
- Epigenes son of Theumedes
- . . .
- 30 Kleon... son of ...edes
- Thras... son of Theumedes
In Kyme :
- Herakleiodoros
- Amyntas
- Philodoxos son of Aristodikos
In Stratos :
- Menneas 40 son of Karphinas
In Eretria :
- Polemon son of Aristomenes
In Notion :
- Praxidikos
In Chios :
- Kymmnos son of Platon
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