
Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum: 421


Greek text:   IG_9.1².3
Date:     272-260 B.C.
Tags:     arbitration ,   arbitration ,   treaties-cities
Format:   see key to translations

The date of this alliance is disputed; Grainger's list of Aetolian generals ( see table of archons ) places Polykritos' second term of office in 271/0 B.C.; J.B.Scholten , "Politics of Plunder", pp.253-256 ( Google Books ) places it about 10 years later.

[A] Compact and alliance between the Aetolians and the Acarnanians. With good fortune. Agreed compact between the Aetolians and the Acarnanians. They shall keep peace and friendship towards each other, being friends and allies for all time, having as a border the river Acheloos, as far as the sea. The regions to the east of the river Acheloos shall belong to the Aetolians, and the regions to the west shall belong to the Acarnanians, except for Pras and Demphis - the Acarnanians do not lay claim to these places. Concerning the borders of Pras, if the Stratioi and Agraioi reach agreement with each other, their agreement shall be binding; but if not, the Acarnanians and the Aetolians shall determine the borders of Pras, each choosing ten of their men, but excluding the Stratioi and the Agraioi, and they shall make the final decision on the borders. Intermarriage shall be permitted between them, and an Aetolian may possess land in Acarnania, and an Acarnanian in Aetolia; and an Aetolian may be a citizen in Acarnania, and an Acarnanian in Aetolia on equal and similar terms. This compact shall be inscribed on bronze plaques, at Aktion by the magistrates of the Aetolians, and at Thermon by the magistrates of the Aetolians, and by both jointly at Olympia and Delphi and Dodona.

Magistrates of the Aetolians:

Magistrates of the Acarnanians:

Alliance between the Aetolians and Acarnanians for all time.

If anyone invades Aetolia with hostile intent, the Acarnanians shall send assistance of one thousand foot-soldiers and one hundred cavalrymen, whomever the magistrates decide to send, within six days. If anyone invades Acarnania with hostile intent, the Aetolians shall send assistance of one thousand foot-soldiers and one hundred cavalrymen, whomever the magistrates choose, within six days. If either side has need of greater assistance, each shall send three thousand men, within ten days. A third of the men who are sent shall be hoplites. The generals and councillors of the Acarnanians shall be responsible for sending the assistance from Acarnania; and the magistrates of the Aetolians shall be responsible for sending the assistance from Aetolia. Each side shall supply provisions to the soldiers that they send in assistance, for thirty days; if those who summon the assistance require it for a longer period, they shall supply the provisions until they send the soldiers home. The cost of provisions for a longer period shall be one Corinthian stater per day for cavalrymen, twelve obols for fully-armoured soldiers, nine obols for half-armoured {hemithōrakion} soldiers, and seven obols for light troops. The Aetolians shall command the troops in Acarnania, and the Acarnanians shall command the troops in Acarnania; but others . . .

[B] When Charixenos was general for the fourth time. Territorial judgement concerning the borders of Stratos. This is the decision of the Thyrrheian territorial arbitrators. The boundaries of the land between Oiniadai and Matropolis shall be the dividing wall, and from the dividing wall in a straight line through the marsh down to the sea. The city of Oiniadai and the city of Matropolis shall inscribe this judgement in the temple of Apollo at Thermon.

inscription 422

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