Translated from Classical Armenian
by Robert Bedrosian
For my sister Karen Bedrosian Richardson
This work is in the public domain. It may be copied and distributed freely.
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Translator's Preface
Eusebius' Introduction
Chaldean Chronicle
Assyrian Chronicle
Median Chronicle
Lydian Chronicle
Persian Chronicle
Hebrew Chronicle:
From Adam to Moses
From Moses to the Maccabeans
Egyptian Chronicle
Greek Chronicle
Greek Olympiads
Kings of Corinth, Sparta, etc.
Kings of Asia [Minor] and Syria
The Romans
Available on other pages of this website are some useful accompaniments to the Chronicle:
The Writings of Flavius Josephus (ca. 37-100), Eusebius'
Ecclesiastical History, Roger Pearse's translation of Eusebius' chronological tables (Jerome's Chronicle), and E. A. Wallis Budge's translation of Bar Hebraeus' Chronography (sections I-VII). These links open in separate windows.
The following modern chronological tables also may be helpful.
Rulers of:
Egypt (Partial), Assyria, and Babylonia
Iran, Greece, and Rome
Israel, Judah, and Palestine
Judea, Galilee, and Ituraea
Additional tables are available on another page of this site:
Chronological Tables.
Maps of the ancient world are available on our
Maps Page
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