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1 | PEL << Agis IV becomes king of Sparta.
@ ~Plut:Agis_3'1; { CAH_7.1'252; OCD³.} |
2 | AEG ?? Document: BD_64, a decree of Samos in honour of Bulagoras. |
3 | PEL Agis wins some support for political reforms.
@ ~Plut:Agis_4'1-7'8. |
4 | THR << Ptolemy gains possession of Thrace.
* Read Polybius' account @ PHaun_6'7; Polyb_18.51'5;* Liv_33.40'5; Appian:Syr_3; { Hölbl_p50; ~Errington_p123.} |
5 | SYR << Seleucus' fleet is wrecked in a storm.
@ ~Just_27.2'1-3. |
7 | MAC ?? A philosopher becomes over-excited during a banquet held by Antigonus to entertain a delegation from Arcadia.
@ Athen_13.607'a-e<q" Persaeus:Fr_4>. |
8 | PEL ?? Persaeus uses identical twins to play a trick on Ariston of Chios.
@ DiogLaert_7'162. |
9 | ?? Persaeus insists on following legal formalities when lending money to a friend.
@ Plut:Mor_533'B. |
10 | MAC ++ Persaeus possesses great influence at the court of Antigonus, which is exploited by Ariston.
* Read Athenaeus' account @ Athen_6.251'c;* Aelian:VH_3'17; { Persaeus appears to have died at the same time as, or soon after, the capture of Corinth.} |
11 | PEL Aratus overpowers Antigonus' garrison, which is commanded by Persaeus, and captures Corinth.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~Polyb_2.43'4, '6, 4.8'4; Phld:Sto_15; Strab_8'385;(7.3) ~Plut:Arat_16'2-17'1, 18'2-24'2,* 33'3; Paus_2.8'4-5, 7.8'3; Polyaen_6.5'1; Athen_4.162'd; { CAH_7.1'251; Errington_p94=243/2.} |
12 | SIC Gallic mercenaries at Eryx desert from the Carthaginians to the Romans, and then plunder the temple of Aphrodite.
* Read Polybius' account @ Polyb_1.77'5, 2.7'8-9;* (?) Aelian:NA_10'50; ~Zonar_8'16.(p13) |
13 | Hamilcar attacks Fundanius near Eryx.
@ +Diod_24.9'2-3. |
14 | PEL Aratus persuades Megara, Troezen, and Epidaurus to join the Achaean League.
* Read Polybius' account @ Syll_469; ~Polyb_2.43'5-6;* Strab_8'385;(7.3) Plut:Arat_24'3; { CAH_7.1'251; Green_151.} |
15 | The Spartan assembly discusses Agis' proposed reforms.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~Plut:Agis_8'1-11'1;* Paus_2.8'5; { ~CAH_7.1'253..} |
16 | EGY {23 Panemus -M = August/Sept.} Document: BD_102, a petition from Bithys against Hellanicus. |
17 | {13 Gorpiaeus -M = 12 Phaophi -E = December} Document: THI_257, the Decree of Alexandria, with honours for Ptolemy and Berenice. |
17 | ROM Ti.Coruncanius is the first Roman to give public guidance on legal matters.
@ Justin:Dig_1.2.2'35, '38<q" Pomponius>; { Coruncanius was pontifex maximus before Metellus.} |
18 | >> L.Metellus becomes pontifex maximus.
* Read Cicero's account @ ~Cic:Sen_30;* ~ValMax_8.13'2; { Four years after his second consulship.} |
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| 13.10.24
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