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1 | AFR Agathocles founds the city of Aspis as a naval base.
@ Strab_17'834.(3.16) |
2 | GRE {Elaphebolion -G = March/April} Document: Castorion_2, a poem recited at the Dionysia in honour of Demetrius of Phalerum when he was archon.
@ Athen_12.542'e; { for Demetrius as archon see eg. Diod.20.27'1.} |
3 | AFR Ophellas, the Macedonian governor of Cyrene, brings an army to help Agathocles in the war against Carthage.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +MarmPar_B'19; +Diod_20.40'1-42'3;* Just_22.7'4-5; Oros_4.6'29; { CAH_7.1'397; Hölbl_p20.} |
4 | AEG The birth of Ptolemy II, on the island of Cos.
* Read MarmorParium's account @ Theoc_17'56-76; +MarmPar_B'19;* { OCD³; Green_86=309.} |
5 | ASI << Cleopatra, the daughter of Philippus, is killed at Sardis.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +MarmPar_B'19; +Diod_20.37'3-6;* { Green_59.} |
6 | THR << The foundation of the city of Lysimacheia.
* Read Pausanias' account @ +MarmPar_B'19; +Diod_20.29'1; Strab_7.fr'1;(7.12) Plin:HN_4'48; Flor_1.24'7; Paus_1.9'8;* Just_17.1'2; [Vict]:VirIll_54'1; Hieron:Chron_1711; { CAH_7.1'110; Errington_p40.} |
7 | PEL ?? The death of Acrotatus, son of Cleomenes (? = grandson of Gyrtias).
* Read Pausanias' account @ Plut:Mor_240'E-F; Paus_3.6'2.* |
8 | A saying of Cleomenes II, about some fighting cocks.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Plut:Mor_191'E,* 224'C. |
9 | << Areus succeeds Cleomenes II as king of Sparta.
* Read Pausanias' account @ Diod_15.60'4, +20.29'1; Plut:Agis_3'6; Paus_1.13'5, 3.6'2-3;* { OCD³; Green_687.} |
10 | { July } Antenor of Athens wins the pancration at the Olympic games, and at all the other games.
@ +[Euseb]:Chron_205.(↓) |
11 | ITA The Romans join with the Marsi to fight against the Samnites, and capture Nuceria.
* Read Livy's account @ +Diod_20.44'8; +Liv_9.41'1-4;* Suet:Vit_1'3. |
12 | ETR A year's truce between the Romans and Etruscans.
* Read Livy's account @ +Diod_20.44'9; +Liv_9.41'5-7;* { CAH_7.2'374.} |
13 | AFR Agathocles murders Ophellas and wins over his army.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_20.42'3-5,* 70'3; Plut:Demetr_14'1; Polyaen_5.3'4; Just_22.7'5-6; Oros_4.6'30; { CAH_7.1'397; Hölbl_p20.} |
14 | Bomilcar is put to death after he fails to gain power in an armed uprising at Carthage.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_20.43'1-44'6;* Just_22.7'7-11; Oros_4.6'32; { CAH_7.1'397-398.} |
15 | PEL Ptolemy sails to Greece and captures Corinth, but leaves again after coming to an agreement with Cassander.
* Read Diodorus' account @ Syll_390'11-16<t=B Austin_256>; +Diod_20.37'1-2;* Polyaen_8.58'1; { Errington_p41-42; Hölbl_p19.} |
16 | Ptolemy asks the philosopher Stilpon to leave Megara and come to Egypt with him, but Stilpon refuses.
@ DiogLaert_2'115. |
17 | ETR Fabius defeats the Umbrians at Mevania.
@ +Liv_9.41'8-20; { CAH_7.2'663.} |
18 | ROM Ap.Claudius is forced to resign after remaining as censor for five years.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_9.42'3;* [Vict]:VirIll_34'8; { CAH_7.2'396.} |
19 | AFR Agathocles sends home the booty he has gathered in his African campaign.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_20.44'7;* Silius_14'651-652. |
20 | EGY Ptolemy holds a feast to celebrate his return to Egypt.
* Read Athenaeus' account @ Athen_3.100'f, 101'f, ~6.244'b-d.* |
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