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1 | EGY {Hathyr 28 -E = January} Document: Austin_314,B correspondence of Artemidorus concerning the death of some cleruchs. |
2 | {7 Apellaeus -M = 17 Tybi -E = March} Document: AET_8.10 & OGIS_56, a decree of the Egyptian priests at Canopus in honour of Ptolemy III. { CAH_7.1'505; Green_262.} |
2a | GRE << Document: IG_9.1².56, a monument dedicated by the Aetolians to the Ptolemaic royal family. |
3 | ROM {28 April -R} A temple is dedicated to Flora; the first celebration of the festival of Floralia.
* Read Velleius' account @ #CIL_add.8'Apr28; #Ovid:Fast_5'277-294; !Vell_1.14'8;* +Plin:HN_18'286;L Tac:Ann_2'49; { OCD³; Ovidius says that the Floralia did not become an annual festival until 173 B.C.} |
4 | AFR The mercenaries are forced to raise the siege of Carthage.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_1.83'12-84'2;* ~Diod_25.4'1. |
4a | GRE {9 Scirophorion -G = June/July} Document: Syll_473, an Athenian decree in honour of the athlothetes. |
5 | MAC << Stratonice leaves Demetrius and joins her nephew Seleucus in Syria.
@ Joseph:Ap_1'206<q" Agatharch>; { ~ OCD³.} |
6 | << The marriage of Demetrius and Phthia, daughter of Alexander of Epirus.
@ ~Just_28.1'1-4; { CAH_7.1'446; Errington_p94.} |
7 | GRE << The Aetolian and Achaean leagues form an alliance against Macedonia.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_2.44'1, 46'1, 9.29'5-6;* { CAH_7.1'446; Errington_p94.} |
8 | << The Aetolians reject a Roman embassy sent on behalf of Acarnania.
@ ~Just_28.1'5-2'14; { CAH_7.2'671.} |
9 | AFR Hamilcar defeats the mercenaries under Spendius, and puts the survivors to death.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_1.84'3-85'7;* ~Diod_25.4'2, 5'1. |
10 | Mathus defeats and kills the Carthaginian general Hannibal.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_1.86'1-9;* ~Diod_25.5'2. |
11 | CIS The consuls attack the Gauls and Ligurians.
* Read Zonaras' account @ ~Polyb_2.21'1-4; [Liv]:Per_20; +Oros_4.12'1; +Zonar_8'18;* (p19) { CAH_7.2'432.} |
12 | PER << Arsaces takes advantage of the war between Seleucus and Antiochus, to expand his control over Parthia.
* Read Justin's account @ Strab_11'515;(9.2) Arrian:Fr_31; ~Just_41.4'6-7;* { Shortly after Seleucus' defeat at Ancyra - see CAH_7.1'219-200.} |
13 | SAR >> The Romans declare war on the Carthaginians, after a dispute about Sardinia.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_1.88'8-10, 3.27'7, 28'1-4;* Appian:Hisp_4, :Pun_5, 86; Eutrop_3.2'1. |
14 | >> The Carthaginians cede Sardinia to the Romans.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_1.88'11-12, 3.10'1-4,* 27'8, 30'4; Liv_21.1'5; Strab_5'225;(2.7) Appian:Hisp_4, :Pun_2, 5,(↓) 86; DioCass_fr.46'1; Just_29.2'3; !Eutrop_3.2'1; +Zonar_8'18;(p19) { CAH_7.2'453; OCD³.} |
15 | MAC The birth of Philippus, the son of Demetrius and Phthia.
* Read Polybius' account @ Polyb_4.5'3,* 24'1; { OCD³; Green_252.} |
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| 15.01.25
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