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1 | EGY ?? Rebellion breaks out in Egypt and its overseas territories, during the ascendancy of Agathocles.
@ AET_8.13'D. Porph:Fr_45; { Hölbl_p154-155; the rebels were in control of Thebes from 206 B.C. onwards.} |
2 | ++ Sosibius, the associate of Agathocles, enjoys a good reputation despite his evil character.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_15.25'1-2,* 16.22'1-2; Suda_S'859; { Sosibius appears to have died or retired before the death of Agathocles.} |
3 | << The violent death of Agathocles, the chief minister of Ptolemy.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_15.25'20-34'6,* 35'7; Just_30.2'7; { CAH_8'251; Green_704.} |
4 | AFR The Carthaginians seize some Roman transport ships bringing supplies to Scipio.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_15.1'1-4'12;* Diod_28.11'1-12'2; ~Liv_30.24'5-25'12; ValMax_6.6'4; Frontin:Str_3.6'1; Plut:Mor_196'C-D; ~Appian:Pun_34-35; DioCass_fr.57'72, '75; Eutrop_3.22'1; Zonar_9'13;(p259) { CAH_8'64.} |
5 | ROM {March -R} Claudius is allotted Africa as his province.
@ +Liv_30.27'1-28'11. |
5a | MES {Nisanu or Abu -B} Document: Cuneif_Q.004180, a record of building work by Anu-uballiṭ Cephalon at Uruk. |
6 | ASI << The "partition pact" between Antiochus and Philippus: an informal agreement to seize the overseas territories of Ptolemy V.
* Read Polybius' account @ Polyb_3.2'8, ~15.20'1-8;* Diod_28.2'1-4'1; Liv_31.14'5; Appian:Mac_4'1;(5) Trog:Prol_30; Porph:Fr_45; { Green_304.} |
7 | AFR The death of Hasdrubal, son of Gisgo.
* Read Appian's account @ Frontin:Str_1.8'10; ~Appian:Pun_36-38;* ~Zonar_9'13;(p261) { OCD_h.} |
8 | ROM {July -R} Apprehension and omens at Rome before the battle of Zama.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_30.38'6-12;* +Zonar_9'14.(p261) |
9 | AEG Philippus captures Cius and Thasos.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_15.21'1-24'6,* 18.3'12, 4'5-7, 54'8-10; Liv_31.31'4, 32.21'22, 33'16; Strab_12'563-564;(4.3) Plut:Mor_245'B-C; Appian:Mac_4'1;(5) Suda_M'1204; { CAH_8'252; Green_306.} |
10 | AFR Scipio captures three Carthaginian spies, but releases them unharmed.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_15.5'1-7;* +Liv_30.29'1-3; ValMax_3.7'1; ~Appian:Pun_39; Polyaen_8.16'8; Eutrop_3.22'2; Suda_A'2452; +Zonar_9'14.(p263) |
11 | Scipio and Hannibal hold a conference on the night before joining in battle.
* Read Polybius' account @ Ennius:Ann_315; ~Polyb_15.5'8-9'1;* Nepos_23.6'2; +Liv_30.29'4-32'3; Plut:Flam_21'2; Flor_1.22'58-59; ~Appian:Pun_39; Eutrop_3.22'2; ~Oros_4.19'2; +Zonar_9'14;(p265) { CAH_8'64.} |
12 | {? October} Scipio defeats Hannibal at Zama.
* Read Polybius' account @ Ennius:Ann_307-314, :Fr_p396'5-6; ~Polyb_15.9'2-16'6;* Nepos_23.6'3-4; +Liv_30.32'4-35'11, 38.51'7-9; Frontin:Str_2.3'16; Silius_17'291-617; Flor_1.22'60-61; ~Appian:Pun_40-48; Gell_4.18'3; Eutrop_3.22'2-23'2; ~Oros_4.19'3; +Zonar_9'14;(p267) { CAH_8'64; OCD_z.} |
13 | GRE {Sept./Oct.} Two youths from Acarnania are put to death after accidentally entering the mysteries at Eleusis.
@ Liv_31.14'6-9; { This happened shortly before Philippus' invasion of Attica.} |
13a | EPI << Document: RC_35, a letter from Amynander of Athamania to Teos. |
14 | ROM An embassy from the Aetolians attempts to gain Roman support against Philippus.
@ Appian:Mac_4'2;(5) { Green_705.} |
15 | AFR {17 December -R} A force of Numidians led by Vermina is completely defeated by the Romans.
* Read Livy's account @ #Liv_30.36'1-8,* 40'3. |
16 | SAR Claudius is prevented by a storm from sailing to Africa.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_30.39'1-3;* +Zonar_9'14.(p263) |
17 | ROM ?? The sons of freedmen are allowed to wear the toga praetexta, so that they can participate in rites prescribed by the Sibylline Books.
@ Macrob:Sat_1.6'13-14.L |
18 | ?? L.Fulvius is sent to prison for wearing a chaplet of roses.
@ Plin:HN_21'8.L |
19 | AFR ?? Stratagems employed by Hannibal during the Second Punic War.
* Read Frontinus' account @ Frontin:Str_2.5'13,* 3.16'4. |
20 | ?? Many Romans desert or are captured and sold into slavery by Hannibal during the war.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ValMax_5.2'6; Plut:Flam_13'6-7.* |
21 | ++ The perseverance and skilful leadership of Hannibal during the war.
* Read Polybius' account @ Polyb_9.22'1-26'11,* 11.19'1-7, 18.28'6-9, 23.13'1-2; Lucil_952-953; Cic:Sest_142; Diod_29.19'1; Nepos_23.1'1-2; DioCass_fr.54'1-11; Just_30.4'9. |
22 | ++ General comments on the Second Punic War.
* Read Dio's account @ Diod_37.1'4; Silius_1'1-8; Flor_1.22'1; Appian:Hisp_4; DioCass_fr.52'1-2;* Zonar_9'14.(p273) |
23 | Peace terms are agreed between the Romans and the Carthaginians; the end of the Second Punic War.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_15.17'1-19'9;* Nepos_23.7'1; +Liv_30.36'9-38'5, 42.23'3-4; Plin:HN_33'51; Silius_17'618-624; Plut:CatMai_26'2, :Flam_21'2, :Mor_196'D; Appian:Pun_2, ~49-56, 59; Ampel_37'1-2; Gell_7.5'1; DioCass_fr.57'82; ~Oros_4.19'4; ~Zonar_9'14;(p269) { CAH_8'64-65.} |
24 | ITA The Romans punish the Bruttii for their support of Hannibal.
@ Gell_10.3'19. |
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