
List of sources and translations

This list contains links to all the sources which are mentioned in the attalus website. It also includes all Greek and Latin authors who are available in online translations (excluding short fragments), from the earliest times up to 200 A.D., and selected authors who wrote after 200 A.D. The list is arranged in alphabetical order, which assumes that you know what you are looking for. For an alternative view, see the list of Ancient Authors, by Date.

Any suggestions, or comments on this list? If so, please go to the comments page.

Abbreviation AUTHOR, Title Translations
Accius:Praet ACCIUS, Fabulae Praetextae Loeb ; Latin text
Accius:Trag ACCIUS, Tragedies Loeb ; Latin text
AchTat ACHILLES TATIUS, Leucippe and Cleitophon Loeb
Act:Andrew "ACTS OF ANDREW" online translation
Act:John "ACTS OF JOHN" online translation
Act:Paul "ACTS OF PAUL" online translation
Act:Peter "ACTS OF PETER" online translation
Act:Thomas "ACTS OF THOMAS" online translation
Aelian:Ep AELIAN, Letters - Epistulae Loeb ; French translation
Aelian:Fr AELIAN, Fragments online translation
Aelian:NA AELIAN, On the Nature of Animals - de Natura Animalium translation → text
Aelian:VH AELIAN, Historical Miscellany - Varia Historia Loeb ; online translation (dated 1670) ; Greek text
AenTact AENEAS TACTICUS, Poliorcetica translation and text
Aeschin:Ctes AESCHINES, Against Ctesiphon translation and text
Aeschin:Leg AESCHINES, On the Embassy - De Falsa Legatione translation and text
Aeschin:Tim AESCHINES, Against Timarchus translation and text
[Aeschin]:Ep [AESCHINES], Letters Z. GUO ( PDF , p.321 )
Aesch:* AESCHYLUS, * Tragedies * online translations ; Greek text
Aesch:Fr AESCHYLUS, Fragments online translation
Aetna "AETNA" translation and text
Agatharch AGATHARCHIDES, On the Erythraean Sea S.M.BURSTEIN (London, 1989) ; online translation (excerpts)
Ahikar "THE STORY OF AḤIḲAR" (Aramaic Text) F.C.CONYBEARE ( )
Albinus ALBINUS, Introduction to the Dialogues of Plato G. BURGES ( )
Alcae ALCAEUS, Lyric Poems Loeb ('Greek Lyric') ; Greek text
Alcid:Soph ALCIDAMAS, On the Sophists online translation
[Alcid]:Odys [ALCIDAMAS], Odysseus J.MUIR (Bristol, 2001) ; Greek text (
Alcinous ALCINOUS, Introduction to the Doctrines of Plato G. BURGES ( )
Alciphr ALCIPHRON, Letters Loeb ; online translation (books 1-3)
Alcm ALCMAN, Lyric Poems online translation ; Greek text
  ALEXANDER ROMANCE : see PsCallisth
Alexis ALEXIS, Comedies J.M.EDMONDS, 'Fragments of Attic Comedy' ( google )
AmmMarc AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS, Res Gestae translation and text
Ampel L.AMPELIUS, Liber Memorialis online translation ; Latin text
Andoc ANDOCIDES, Speeches translation and text
Ankhsh "THE INSTRUCTION OF ANKHSHESHONQ" online translation
AnthPal "GREEK ANTHOLOGY" - Anthologia Palatina Loeb ; translation → text
Antig:Mir ANTIGONUS (OF CARYSTUS), Paradoxical Stories - Mirabilia online translation
Antip:Matr ANTIPATER (OF TARSUS?), On Marriage - De Matrimonio W. DEMING   ( google )
AntipSid ANTIPATER OF SIDON, Epigrams translation → text
AntipThes ANTIPATER OF THESSALONICA, Epigrams translation → text
Antiph ANTIPHANES, Comedies J.M.EDMONDS, 'Fragments of Attic Comedy' ( google )
Antiphil ANTIPHILUS, Epigrams translation → text
Antiphon ANTIPHON, Speeches translation and text
AntSoph ANTIPHON THE SOPHIST, On Truth online translation
Antisth:Ajax ANTISTHENES, Ajax translation and text (no. 11)
Antisth:Od ANTISTHENES, Odysseus translation and text (no. 12)
AntLib ANTONINUS LIBERALIS, Metamorphoses F. CELORIA   ( google )
Anyte ANYTE, Epigrams translation → text
Apep "THE BOOK OF OVERTHROWING APEP" online translation
ApocAbr "APOCALYPSE OF ABRAHAM" online translation (PDF)
ApocMos "APOCALYPSE OF MOSES" - Apocalypsis Mosis online translation
ApocPet "APOCALYPSE OF PETER" online translation
ApocZeph "APOCALYPSE OF ZEPHANIAH" online translation
Apollod:Fr APOLLODORUS OF ATHENS, Historical Fragments online translation
[Apollod]:Bibl [APOLLODORUS], Library - Biblitheca online translation
[Apollod]:Epit [APOLLODORUS], Epitome online translation
ApDam:Pol APOLLODORUS OF DAMASCUS, Poliorcetica D.WHITEHEAD (Historia, 2010) ; French translation
Apollonid APOLLONIDES, Epigrams translation → text
ApAphr APOLLONIUS OF APHRODISIAS, Historical Fragments online translation
ApPerg:Con APOLLONIUS OF PERGE, Conics T.L.HEATH (Cambridge, 1896) -
ApRhod APOLLONIUS RHODIUS, Argonautica online translation
ApTyan APOLLONIUS OF TYANA, Letters online translation
Appian:BCiv APPIAN, Civil War - Bellum Civile online translation
Appian:Gall APPIAN, Gallica online translation
Appian:Hann APPIAN, Hannibalica online translation
Appian:Hisp APPIAN, Hispanica online translation
Appian:Ill APPIAN, Illyrica online translation
Appian:Mac APPIAN, Macedonica online translation
Appian:Mith APPIAN, Mithridatica online translation
Appian:Num APPIAN, Numidica online translation
Appian:Pun APPIAN, Punica online translation
Appian:Sam APPIAN, Samnitica online translation
Appian:Sic APPIAN, Sicilica online translation
Appian:Syr APPIAN, Syrica online translation
Apul:Apol APULEIUS, Apologia online translation ; Latin text
Apul:Asclep APULEIUS, The Perfect Sermon - Asclepius online translation ; Latin text
Apul:Flor APULEIUS, Florida translation → text
Apul:Met APULEIUS, The Golden Ass - Metamorphoses online translation ; Latin text
Apul:Plat APULEIUS, On the Doctrines of Plato G. BURGES ( )
Apul:Socr APULEIUS, On the God of Socrates - De Deo Socratis online translation ; Latin text
Arat:Phaen ARATUS, Phaenomena online translation
Archias ARCHIAS, Epigrams online translation
Archil ARCHILOCHUS, Poems translation and text
Archim:Aren ARCHIMEDES, Sand-Reckoner - Arenarius online translation
Archim:Meth ARCHIMEDES, Method of Mechanical Theorems T.L.HEATH (Cambridge, 1912) -
Archim:* ARCHIMEDES, Collected Works T.L.HEATH ( ) ; French translations
Aret:CA ARETAEUS OF CAPPADOCIA, Causes and Symptoms of Acute Diseases online translation
Aret:CC ARETAEUS, Causes and Symptoms of Chronic Diseases online translation
Aret:TA ARETAEUS, Therapy of Acute Diseases online translation
Aret:TC ARETAEUS, Therapy of Chronic Diseases online translation
Aristarch ARISTARCHUS of SAMOS, On the sizes and distances of the sun and moon T.L.HEATH ( ) ; French translation
Aristeas ARISTEAS, Letter to Philocrates online translation
Aristid P. AELIUS ARISTIDES, Orations Loeb ( google ) ; Greek text
Aristides ARISTIDES, Apology online translation
Ar:* ARISTOPHANES , * Comedies * online translations
Arist:* ARISTOTLE , * Collected Works * Loeb ; online translations ; Greek texts
[Arist]:Color [ARISTOTLE] , De Coloribus online translation
[Arist]:Mech [ARISTOTLE] , Mechanica online translation
[Arist]:Mirab [ARISTOTLE] , De Mirabilibus online translation
[Arist]:Mund [ARISTOTLE] , De Mundo E.S.FORSTER ( )
[Arist]:Prob [ARISTOTLE] , Problemata E.S.FORSTER ( )
[Arist]:RhAl [ARISTOTLE] , Rhetorica ad Alexandrum E.S.FORSTER ( )
Aristox:Harm ARISTOXENUS, Elements of Harmony - Harmonica H.S.MACRAN ( ) ; French translation
Aristox:Rh ARISTOXENUS, Elements of Rhythm - Rhythmica L.PEARSON (Oxford, 1990) ; C.C. MARCHETTI ( PDF )
Arius ARIUS DIDYMUS, Summary of Stoic Ethics   (quoted by Stobaeus) B.INWOOD & L.GERSON, 'Stoic Reader' ( google )
Arnob ARNOBIUS, Adversus Gentes online translation ; Latin text
Arrian:Anab ARRIANUS, The Expedition of Alexander - Anabasis Alexandri Loeb ; online translation
Arrian:Cyn ARRIANUS ( Arrian ), On Coursing - Cynegeticus W.DANSEY ( )
Arrian:Ench ARRIANUS, Enchiridion of Epictetus Loeb ; online translation
Arrian:Epict ARRIANUS, The Discourses of Epictetus online translation
Arrian:Fr ARRIANUS, Historical Fragments online translation
Arrian:Ind ARRIANUS, Indica online translation
Arrian:Per ARRIANUS, Periplus of the Euxine Sea online translation
Artem ARTEMIDORUS, On the Interpretation of Dreams - Oneirocritica R.J.WHITE (1975) ; online translation (excerpts) ; French translation ; Greek text
AscIsai "ASCENSION OF ISAIAH" online translation
Asclepiad ASCLEPIADES, Epigrams online translation
Asclep:Tact ASCLEPIODOTUS, Tactics online translation
Ascon ASCONIUS, Commentaries on Cicero S.SQUIRES ( google ) ; online translation (Pro Milone) ; online translation (In Toga Candida) ; Latin text
Asoka ASOKA, Edicts online translation
AssMos "ASSUMPTION OF MOSES" or "TESTAMENT OF MOSES" online translation
AstrCan "ASTRONOMICAL CANON" online translation
Athen ATHENAEUS, The Deipnosophists Loebonline translations
AthMech ATHENAEUS MECHANICUS, On Machines D.WHITEHEAD&P.BLYTH (2004) ; French translation
Athenag:Chr ATHENAGORAS OF ATHENS, A Plea for Christians online translation
Athenag:Res ATHENAGORAS OF ATHENS, On the Resurrection of the Dead online translation
August:DeCiv AUGUSTINUS (St. Augustine), The City of God - De Civitate Dei Loeb ; online translation ; Latin text
Aug:ResGest AUGUSTUS, Res Gestae - Monumentum Ancyranum translation and text
  AULUS GELLIUS : see Gell
Babrius BABRIUS, Fables Loeb ; online translation ; Greek text
Bacchyl BACCHYLIDES, Poems (Epinicians and Dithyrambs) translation and text
Barnabas BARNABAS, Epistle Loeb ('Apostolic Fathers',2) ; online translation
2Baruch "SECOND BOOK OF BARUCH" online translation
Bede BEDA VENERABILIS (Venerable Bede), Historia Ecclesiastica Loeb ; online translation
Berossus BEROSSUS, Babyloniaca S.M.BURSTEIN (Malibu, 1978) ; online translation (excerpts)
Bion BION, Poems online translation
Brutus:EpGr MARCUS BRUTUS, Greek Letters C.P.JONES ( , III )
Caecil CAECILIUS STATIUS, Comedies (Fragments) Loeb ; Latin text
Caes:BCiv JULIUS CAESAR, Civil War - Bellum Civile online translation
Caes:BGall JULIUS CAESAR, Gallic War - Bellum Gallicum online translation
[Caes]:BAfr [JULIUS CAESAR], African War - Bellum Africum translation and text
[Caes]:BAlex [JULIUS CAESAR], Alexandrian War - Bellum Alexandrinum translation and text
[Caes]:BHisp [JULIUS CAESAR], Spanish War - Bellum Hispaniense online translation ; Latin text
Callim:Aetia CALLIMACHUS, Aetia translation and text
Callim:Epigr CALLIMACHUS, Epigrams translation → text
Callim:Fr CALLIMACHUS, Other Fragments Loeb ( 'C: Aetia etc.')
Callim:Hec CALLIMACHUS, Hecale online translation ; Greek text
Callim:Hymn CALLIMACHUS, Hymns online translation
Callixein CALLIXEINUS, On Alexandria Quoted by: Athen_5.196 & Athen_5.203
CalpFlac CALPURNIUS FLACCUS, Declamations L.A. SUSSMAN ( google )
CalpSic CALPURNIUS SICULUS, Eclogues translation and text
Cassiod:Chr CASSIODORUS, Chronica online translation (excerpts) ; Latin text
Castorion CASTORION, Poems online translation
Cato:Agr CATO, De Agricultura translation and text
[Cato]:Dicta CATO, "Dicta Catonis" Loeb ; Latin text
Cato:Orig CATO, Origines French translation: Budé ; Latin text
Catull CATULLUS, Poems online translation
Cebes CEBES, The Picture - Tabula online translation
Celsus:Med CELSUS, De Medicina translation and text
Censor:DN CENSORINUS, De Die Natali online translation (ch.12-24) ; Latin text
Cercidas CERCIDAS, Meliambi & Fragments Loeb
Certamen "CONTEST OF HOMER AND HESIOD" - Certamen online translation
Charax CHARAX OF PERGAMUM, Historical Fragments online translation
Chariton CHARITON, Callirhoe Loeb ( google ) ; ANONYMOUS (dated 1764, at scribd)
Chron "BOOK OF CHRONICLES" online translation (1) , online translation (2)
ChronGeorg "GEORGIAN CHRONICLE" online translation
ChronPasc "CHRONICON PASCHALE" online translation (excerpts)
ChronSynt "CHRONOGRAPHEION SYNTOMON" online translation (excerpts)
Cic:Acad CICERO, Academica translation → text
Cic:AdBrut CICERO, Letters to Brutus - Epistulae ad Brutum Loeb ; translation and text
Cic:Amic CICERO, de Amicitia translation → text
Cic:Arat CICERO, Aratea (fragments) French translation & Latin text
Cic:Arch CICERO, Oratio pro Archia translation → text
Cic:Att CICERO, Letters to Atticus - Epistulae ad Atticum Loeb ; translation and text
Cic:Balb CICERO, Oratio pro Balbo Loeb ; translation → text
Cic:Brut CICERO, Brutus Loeb ; translation → text
Cic:Caecin CICERO, Oratio pro A.Caecina translation → text
Cic:Cael CICERO, Oratio pro M.Caelio translation → text
Cic:Cat CICERO, Orationes in Catilinam translation → text
Cic:Clu CICERO, Oratio pro Cluentio translation → text
Cic:Deiot CICERO, Oratio pro Rege Deiotaro translation → text
Cic:DeOr CICERO, De Oratore Loeb ; translation → text
Cic:Div CICERO, de Divinatione online translation
Cic:DivCaec CICERO, Oratio (Divinatio) in Q.Caecilium translation → text
Cic:Dom CICERO, Oratio de Domo Sua translation → text
Cic:EpFr CICERO, Fragments of Letters - Epistularum Fragmenta Loeb (Vol. XXVIII) ; Latin text
Cic:Fam CICERO, Letters to Friends - Epistulae ad Familiares Loeb ; translation and text
Cic:Fat CICERO, de Fato online translation ; Latin text
Cic:Fin CICERO, de Finibus online translation
Cic:Flac CICERO, Oratio pro L.Flacco translation → text
Cic:Font CICERO, Oratio pro Fonteio translation → text
Cic:HarResp CICERO, Oratio de Haruspicum Responso translation → text
Cic:InvRhet CICERO, de Inventione Rhetorica Loeb ; online translation ; Latin text
Cic:Leg CICERO, de Legibus Loeb ; C.D.YONGE ( ) ; Latin text
Cic:LegAgr CICERO, Orationes de Lege Agraria contra Rullum translation → text
Cic:LegMan CICERO, Oratio de Lege Manilia translation → text
Cic:Lig CICERO, Oratio pro Q.Ligario translation → text
Cic:Marc CICERO, Oratio pro M.Marcello translation → text
Cic:Mil CICERO, Oratio pro T.Milone translation → text
Cic:Mur CICERO, Oratio pro L.Murena translation → text
Cic:ND CICERO, de Natura Deorum online translation
Cic:Off CICERO, de Officiis online translation
Cic:OptGen CICERO, de Optimo Genere Oratorum Loeb ; Latin text
Cic:Orat CICERO, Orator (ad M.Brutum) Loeb ; C.D.YONGE ( ) ; Latin text
Cic:Parad CICERO, Paradoxa Stoicorum Loeb ; online translation (PDF) ; Latin text
Cic:Part CICERO, Partitiones Oratoriae Loeb ; C.D.YONGE ( ) ; Latin text
Cic:Phil CICERO, Philippics - Orationes Philippicae translation → text
Cic:Pis CICERO, Oratio in L.Pisonem translation → text
Cic:Planc CICERO, Oratio pro Cn.Plancio translation → text
Cic:ProvCon CICERO, Oratio de Provinciis Consularibus Loeb ; translation → text
Cic:QFr CICERO, Letters to his Brother Quintus - Epistulae ad Quintum Fratrem Loeb ; online translation
Cic:QRosc CICERO, Oratio pro Q. Roscio Comoedo translation → text
Cic:Quinct CICERO, Oratio pro P.Quinctio translation → text
Cic:RabPerd CICERO, Oratio pro C.Rabirio Perduellionis Reo translation → text
Cic:RabPost CICERO, Oratio pro C.Rabirio Postumo translation → text
Cic:RedPop CICERO, Oratio post Reditum Populo translation → text
Cic:RedSen CICERO, Oratio post Reditum Senatui translation → text
Cic:Rep CICERO, de Re Publica translation → text
Cic:RoscAm CICERO, Oratio pro Sex.Roscio Amerino translation → text
Cic:Scaur CICERO, Oratio pro M.Scauro translation → text
Cic:Sen CICERO, de Senectute translation → text
Cic:Sest CICERO, Oratio pro P.Sestio translation → text
Cic:Sull CICERO, Oratio pro P.Sulla translation → text
Cic:Top CICERO, Topica Loeb ; online translation
Cic:Tul CICERO, Oratio pro M.Tullio Loeb ; translation and text
Cic:Tusc CICERO, Disputationes Tusculanae Loeb ; translation → text
Cic:Vat CICERO, Oratio in P.Vatinium translation → text
Cic:Verr CICERO, Orationes Verrinae translation → text
[Cic]:AdOct [CICERO], Epistula ad Octavianum Loeb ; translation and text
[Cic]:InSall [CICERO], In Sallustium Crispum Oratio online translation ; Latin text
[Cic]:RhetHer [CICERO], Rhetorica ad Herennium online translation ; Latin text
Cleanth:Hymn CLEANTHES, Hymn to Zeus online translation ; E.H.BLAKENEY ( )
ClemAl:Protr CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA, Protrepticus Loeb ; online translation
ClemAl:Strom CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA, Stromata online translation
ClemRom CLEMENT OF ROME, Letters Loeb ('Apostolic Fathers', 1) ;
online translation (1) ; online translation (2)
Cleomed CLEOMEDES , On the Circular Motions of the Celestial Bodies A.BOWEN & R.TODD ( google )
Cleonides CLEONIDES, Harmonic Introduction online translation
Colum:Rust COLUMELLA , de Re Rustica Loeb ; online translation (books 1-4)
Conon CONON , Narratives - Diegeseis online translation
Cornutus CORNUTUS , On Greek Theology online translation (
[Crates]:Ep [CRATES OF THEBES], Letters - Epistulae R.DOBBIN, 'The Cynic Philosophers' ( google )
CratesHist CRATES ATHEN., Historical Fragments Greek text:   FGrH_361
Crinag CRINAGORAS, Epigrams online translation
Ctesias CTESIAS, History of the Persians & History of India online translation (excerpts) ; online translation (PDF)
Curt Q.CURTIUS, Historiae Alexandri Loeb ; Latin text ; French translation
Daniel DANIEL online translation
[Demad] [DEMADES], On the Twelve Years online translation
Dem:Epist DEMOSTHENES, Letters - Epistulae online translation
Dem:Exord DEMOSTHENES, Exordia online translation
Dem:Or DEMOSTHENES, Orations online translation
DemChron "DEMOTIC CHRONICLE" online translation
Demetr:Eloc DEMETRIUS, On Style - De Elocutione online translation
[Democrit] [DEMOCRITUS], Four Books On Alchemy M. MARTELLI (2017) ; French translation
DemPhal DEMETRIUS PHALEREUS, Historical Fragments (FGrH_228) W.FORTENBAUGH & E.SCHÜTRUMPF ( google )
Derveni "DERVENI PAPYRUS" R.JANKO ( PDF - pages 18-32 )
Dexipp DEXIPPUS, Events after Alexander ( FGrH_100, Fr.8 ) Quoted by: Photius_82
Dexipp:Sc DEXIPPUS, Gothic War - Scythica   (new fragments) C.P. JONES ( )
Didache "TEACHING OF THE TWELVE APOSTLES" - Didache Loeb ; online translation
Didym:Dem DIDYMUS CHALCENTERUS, Commentary on Demosthenes P. HARDING ( google )
Dinarch:Fr DINARCHUS, Fragments Loeb
Dinarch:Or DINARCHUS, Orations translation and text
DioCass DIO CASSIUS, Roman History online translation ; Greek text
DioChrys:Or DIO CHYSTOSTOM, Discourses - Orationes translation and text
Diod DIODORUS SICULUS, Universal History Loeb ; translation → text (books 1-32) , translation and text (books 33-40)
[Diogenes]:Ep [DIOGENES OF SINOPE], Letters - Epistulae R.DOBBIN, 'The Cynic Philosophers' ( google )
DiogLaert DIOGENES LAERTIUS, Lives of the Philosophers online translation (books 7 and 10) ,
translation and text (other books)
DiogOen DIOGENES OF OENOANDA, Epicurean Inscription online translation
Diognet "EPISTLE TO DIOGNETUS" Loeb ; online translation
DionAlex DIONYSIUS 'PERIEGETES' OF ALEXANDRIA, Guide to the Inhabited World online translation ; Greek text
DionByz DIONYSIUS OF BYZANTIUM, Anaplūs of the Bosporus online translation
DionHal DIONYSIUS HALICARN., Roman Antiquities online translation
DionHal:Amm DIONYSIUS HALICARN., Letters to Ammaeus Loeb ('D: Critical Essays', vol.2) ; W.R.ROBERTS ( )
DionHal:Comp DIONYSIUS HALICARN., On Literary Composition - De Compositione Verborum Loeb ('D: Critical Essays', vol.2) ; W.R.ROBERTS ( )
DionHal:Dem DIONYSIUS HALICARN., Demosthenes Loeb ('D: Critical Essays', vol.1) ; French translation
DionHal:Din DIONYSIUS HALICARN., Dinarchus translation → text
DionHal:Fr DIONYSIUS HALICARN., Historical Fragments Greek text: FGrH_251
DionHal:Isae DIONYSIUS HALICARN., Isaeus Loeb ('D: Critical Essays', vol.1) ; French translation
DionHal:Isoc DIONYSIUS HALICARN., Isocrates Loeb ('D: Critical Essays', vol.1) ; French translation
DionHal:Lys DIONYSIUS HALICARN., Lysias Loeb ('D: Critical Essays', vol.1) ; French translation
DionHal:Pomp DIONYSIUS HALICARN., Letter to Cn. Pompeius Loeb ('D: Critical Essays', vol.2) ; W.R.ROBERTS ( )
DionHal:Thuc DIONYSIUS HALICARN., Thucydides Loeb ('D: Critical Essays', vol.1) ; W.K.PRITCHETT ( google )
DionThrax DIONYSIUS THRAX, Art of Grammar T.DAVIDSON ( ) ; Greek text
Diophant DIOPHANTUS, Arithmetica T.L.HEATH ( )
DioscEpigr DIOSCORIDES, Epigrams translation → text
Dioscor DIOSCORIDES, De Materia Medica T.A.OSBALDESTON ( )
Diphilus DIPHILUS, Comedies J.M.EDMONDS, 'Fragments of Attic Comedy' ( google )
DissoiLogoi DISSOI LOGOI translation and text
Diyll DIYLLUS, Historical Fragments online translation
DorSid DOROTHEUS OF SIDON, Carmen Astrologicum online translation (PDF/google)
Ecclus JESUS SON OF SIRACH, Wisdom - Ecclesiasticus online translation
[Ecphant] [ECPHANTUS], On Kingship T. TAYLOR   ( )
Einsied "EINSIEDELN ECLOGUES" translation and text
ElegMaec "ELEGIAE IN MAECENATEM" online translation ; Latin text
Emped EMPEDOCLES, Fragments B. INWOOD (Toronto,2001) ; online translation
Ennius:Ann ENNIUS, Annales translation and text
Ennius:Fr ENNIUS, Minor Fragments Loeb ; Latin text
Ennius:Trag ENNIUS, Tragedies Loeb ; Latin text
Enoch "BOOK OF ENOCH" online translation
Epicur:Fr EPICURUS, Fragments (ed. H.Usener) online translation
Epicur:Vat EPICURUS, Vatican Sayings - Gnomologium Vaticanum online translation
EpApost "EPISTLE OF THE APOSTLES" online translation
Eratosth:Fr ERATOSTHENES, Historical Fragments online translation
[Eratosth]:Cat [ERATOSTHENES], Constellations - Catasterismi French translation
Erinna ERINNA, The Distaff   (fragment) online translation
2Esdras "SECOND BOOK OF ESDRAS" online translation
Esth "ESTHER" online translation
Euc:El EUCLID, Elements online translation
Euc:Sect EUCLID, Sectio Canonis A.BARKER ( google )
Eugnost EUGNOSTUS THE BLESSED, Epistle online translation
Euphor EUPHORION, Poems (fragments) Loeb ( google )
Eupolem EUPOLEMUS, History of the Kings in Judaea (fragments) online translation
Eupolis EUPOLIS, Fragments of Comedies Loeb ( google ) , online translation (The Demes)
Eur:* EURIPIDES , * Tragedies * online translations
Eur:Herc EURIPIDES , Heracles - Hercules Furens online translation
Euseb:HistEc EUSEBIUS, History of the Church - Historia Ecclesiastica Loeb ; online translation
Euseb:PE EUSEBIUS, Preparation of the Gospel - Praeparatio Evangelica online translation
[Euseb]:Chron [EUSEBIUS], Chronicle - Chronicon online translation ; Greek+Armenian text (partial)
Eutrop EUTROPIUS, Breviarium Historiae Romanae H.W.BIRD (Liverpool,1993) ; online translation ; Latin text
ExcBarb "EXCERPTA LATINA BARBARI" online translation
Exsuper JULIUS EXSUPERANTIUS, Opusculum translation and text
EzekTrag EZEKIEL THE TRAGEDIAN, Moses - Exagōgē H.JACOBSON ( google ); online translation (excerpts)
Ezra "EZRA" online translation
Famine "FAMINE STELA OF SEHEL" online translation
FastCap "FASTI CAPITOLINI" online translation
FastTr "FASTI TRIUMPHALES" online translation
Fest:Verb SEX. POMPEIUS FESTUS, De Verborum Significatu French translation ; Latin text
Festus:Brev FESTUS, Breviarium online translation ; Latin text
Flor FLORUS, Epitome - Epitomae de Tito Livio translation and text
Frontin:Aqu FRONTINUS, Aqueducts of Rome - de Aquis Urbis Romae translation and text
Frontin:Str FRONTINUS, Stratagems - Strategemata translation and text
[Frontin]:Grom [FRONTINUS], On Land Surveying - Gromatica B.CAMPBELL ( PDF, p.2 )
Fronto:Ep FRONTO, Letters - Epistulae Loeb ; Latin text
Gabriel "GABRIEL REVELATION" translation and text ( PDF )
Gaius:Inst GAIUS, Institutes W.GORDON & O.ROBINSON (1997) ; online translation ; Latin text
Galen:* GALEN , * Collected Works *   ( see index of titles ) Greek text & Latin translation: K.G.KÜHN ( BIU Santé )
Galen:AA    GALEN, On Anatomical Procedures - De Anatomicis Administrationibus      C.SINGER ( - books 1-9 ) ; W.L.H.DUCKWORTH et al. ( google - books 9-15 )
Galen:Alup    GALEN, On Avoiding Distress - Peri Alupias   V.NUTTON (Cambridge, 2013) ; online translation (excerpts)
Galen:AnFac    GALEN, The Faculties of the Soul Follow the Temperaments of the Body    French translation
Galen:AnPass    GALEN, The Diagnosis and Cure of the Soul's Passions   online translation
Galen:CurRVS    GALEN, On Treatment by Venesection    P.BRAIN ( google )
Galen:DigIns    GALEN, On Diagnosis in Dreams - De Dignotione ex Insomniis   online translation
Galen:ElHipp    GALEN, On Elements according to Hippocrates translation and text  (CMG)
Galen:Exhort    GALEN, Exhortation to Study the Arts    online translation
Galen:Hyg    GALEN, Hygiene    Loeb ( by I.JOHNSTON )
Galen:Logic    GALEN, Introduction to Logic - Institutio Logica      J.S.KIEFFER ( Project Muse )
Galen:MedPh    GALEN, The Best Doctor is also a Philosopher     French translation
Galen:MM    GALEN, Method of Medicine   Loeb ( google )
Galen:MorbC    GALEN, On The Causes of Diseases   I.JOHNSTON ( google )
Galen:MorbD    GALEN, On The Differentiae of Diseases   I.JOHNSTON ( google )
Galen:NatFac    GALEN , On the Natural Faculties     online translation
Galen:NatHom    GALEN, On Hippocrates: On the Nature of Man - De Natura Hominis      online translation
Galen:Oss    GALEN, Bones for Beginners - De Ossibus ad Tirones      C.SINGER ( PDF )
Galen:ParvPil    GALEN, On Exercise with a Small Ball   Loeb ( by I.JOHNSTON )
Galen:PHP    GALEN, On the Doctrines of Hippocrates and Plato - De Placitis H & P    translation and text  (CMG)
Galen:Progn    GALEN, On Prognosis    translation and text  (CMG)
Galen:PrP    GALEN, On My Own Opinions - De Propriis Placitis    translation and text  (CMG)
Galen:Sem    GALEN, On Semen translation and text  (CMG)
Galen:SymptD    GALEN, On The Differentiae of Symptoms   I.JOHNSTON ( google )
Galen:Ther    GALEN, On Theriac to Piso       R.A.LEIGH ( PDF )
Galen:Thras    GALEN, Thrasybulus    Loeb ( by I.JOHNSTON )
Galen:VenSec    GALEN, On Venesection against Erasistratus   P.BRAIN ( google )
Gell AULUS GELLIUS, Noctes Atticae online translation (books 1-13) , online translation (books 14-20)
Geminus GEMINUS, Introduction to the Phenomena J. EVANS & J.L. BERGGREN ( google ) ; Greek text
German:Arat GERMANICUS CAESAR, Phaenomena - Aratea D.B.GAIN (1976) ; Latin text
Gorgias GORGIAS, Fragments online translation
GranLic GRANIUS LICINIANUS, Histories online translation ; Latin text
Gratt:Cyn GRATTIUS, Cynegeticon online translation
Hanno HANNO, Voyage around Africa - Periplus online translation ; Greek text
Harpocr HARPOCRATION, Lexicon of the Ten Attic Orators online translation
Heliod HELIODORUS, Aethiopica online translation
HellOxy 'HELLENICA OXYRHYNCHIA' online translation
HerLemb HERACLEIDES LEMBUS, On Constitutions online translation
Heraclit HERACLEITUS OF EPHESUS, Fragments online translation ; Greek text
Heracl:Hom HERACLEITUS, Homeric Problems (Allegories) D.RUSSELL & D.KONSTAN ( google )
Hermas HERMAS , The Shepherd - Pastor Loeb ; online translation
Hermesian HERMESIANAX, Catalogue of Love Affairs Quoted by: Athen_13.597
Hermog:Id HERMOGENES, On Types of Style - Peri Ideōn C.WOOTEN ( google )
Hermog:Prog HERMOGENES, Progymnasmata G.KENNEDY ( google )
Hermog:Stas HERMOGENES, On Issues - Peri Staseōn M.HEATH ( Oxford, 1995 ) ; M.PATILLON ( google )
Hero:Aut HERON OF ALEXANDRIA, On Automaton-Making S.MURPHY ( google ) ; French translation
Hero:Bel HERON, War Machines - Belopoeica French translation (extracts)
Hero:Cheir HERON , Cheiroballistra E.W.MARSDEN (Oxford, 1971) ; French translation
Hero:Dioptr HERON , Dioptra French translation
Hero:Mech HERON, Mechanica online translation (extracts) ; French translation
Hero:Metr HERON, Metrica E.M.BRUINS ( google )
Hero:Pneum HERON , Pneumatica online translation
Herod HERODAS (or Herondas), Mimes online translation
Herodian HERODIANIUS, Histories online translation
Hdt HERODOTUS, Histories translation and text
[Hdt]:Hom [HERODOTUS], Life of Homer online translation
Hes:Cat HESIOD, Catalogues of Women online translation
Hes:Fr HESIOD, Fragments online translation
Hes:Op HESIOD, Works and Days - Opera et Dies online translation
Hes:Scut HESIOD, Shield of Heracles - Scutum online translation
Hes:Theog HESIOD, Theogony online translation
Hierocl HIEROCLES, Ethical Fragments I.RAMELLI ( google ) ; online translation
Hieron:Chron HIERONYMUS ( St. Jerome ), Chronicle - Canon online translation ; Latin text
HierCard HIERONYMUS CARD., Historical Fragments online translation
Hippoc:* HIPPOCRATES , * Collected Works * Loeb ; online translations
Hippoc:Alim HIPPOCRATES , Nutrition - De Alimento Loeb ; online translation
Hippoc:Praec HIPPOCRATES , Precepts - Praeceptiones Loeb ; online translation
Hippol:Chron HIPPOLYTUS, Chronicon online translation (PDF)
Hom:Hymn HOMER, Hymns online translation
Hom:Il HOMER, Iliad online translation
Hom:Od HOMER, Odyssey online translation
[Hom]:Batr [HOMER], Battle of the Frogs & Mice - Batrachomyomachia Loeb
Hor:ArsP HORATIUS ( Horace ), Ars Poetica online translation
Hor:Od HORATIUS, Odes - Carmina online translation
Hor:CSaec HORATIUS, Carmen Saeculare online translation
Hor:Epist HORATIUS, Epistles - Epistulae online translation
Hor:Epod HORATIUS, Epodes online translation
Hor:Sat HORATIUS, Satires - Sermones online translation
Hygin:Astr HYGINUS, Poetica Astronomica online translation (book 2) ; Latin text
Hygin:Fab HYGINUS, Fabulae online translation ; Latin text
Hyp:Ter HYPOTHESES (Didascaliae) in Terentium online translation
Hyper HYPEREIDES, Speeches translation and text
Hyper:Fr HYPEREIDES, Fragments Loeb
Iambl:Pyth IAMBLICHUS, Life of Pythagoras online translation
Ignat:* IGNATIUS of ANTIOCH, * Letters * Loeb ( google ) ; online translations
Irenaeus IRENAEUS, Against Heresies online translation
Isae ISAEUS, Speeches translation and text
IsidChar ISIDORUS of CHARAX, Historical Fragments online translation (Parthian Stations)
IsisHymn ISIDORUS and others, Hymns to Isis online translation
Isoc:Ep ISOCRATES, Letters - Epistulae online translation
Isoc:Or ISOCRATES, Orations translation and text
Isyll ISYLLUS, Hymn to Asclepius translation → text
ItinAnt "ANTONINE ITINERARY" - Itinerarium Antonini online translation ; Latin text
James JAMES ( Jacobus ), Epistle online translation
[James]:Protev [JAMES], Infancy Gospel - Protevangelium online translation
  JEROME : see Hieron
John JOHN, Gospel online translation
John:Ep JOHN, Letters - Epistulae online translation
John:Rev JOHN, Apocalypse - Revelation online translation
[John]:Apocr [JOHN], Apocryphon online translation
Jordanes:Rom JORDANES, Romana (de Summa Temporum) online translation
Joseph:AJ JOSEPHUS, Jewish Antiquities - Antiquitates Judaeorum Loeb ; translation → text (books 12-15)
translation and text (other books)
Joseph:Ap JOSEPHUS, Against Apion - Contra Apionem Loeb ; translation and text
Joseph:BJ JOSEPHUS, Jewish War - Bellum Judaicum Loeb ; translation → text (book 1)
translation and text (other books)
Joseph:Vit JOSEPHUS, Life - Vita Loeb ; translation and text
Jubilees "JUBILEES" online translation
[Judas] [JUDAS], Gospel online translation
Jude JUDE ( Judas ), Epistle online translation
Judith "JUDITH" online translation
Julian:Caes JULIAN, The Caesars - Caesares online translation
Julian:Ep JULIAN, Letters - Epistulae online translation
Julian:Mis JULIAN, Misopogon online translation
Julian:Or JULIAN, Orations online translation
Julian:Them JULIAN, Letter to Themistius online translation
Just JUSTINUS, Epitome of Pompeius Trogus J.C.YARDLEY (Atlanta, 1994) ; translation → text
Justin:Dig JUSTINIANUS, Digesta A.WATSON (Philadelphia, 1998) ; online translation ; Latin text
JustMart:* JUSTIN MARTYR , * Collected Works * online translations
Juvenal JUVENALIS ( Juvenal ), Satires online translation
Kings "BOOK OF KINGS" online translation (1) , online translation (2)

List of sources and translations (L-Z) →

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