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1 | ROM {January -R} Cicero sees the young Octavianus while accompanying Caesar, and dreams about his future greatness.
@ Plut:Cic_44'2-4; Suet:Aug_94'9; Tert:Anim_46; DioCass_45.2'1-2. |
2 | SYR Cn.Lentulus Marcellinus succeeds Marcius Philippus as governor of Syria.
@ Appian:Syr_51; { OCD³.} |
3 | SPA P.Lentulus Spinther is sent out as governor of Nearer Spain, through the influence of Caesar.
@ Caes:BCiv_1.22'4; { DPRR.} |
4 | ROM Caesar proposes an agrarian law, but fails to gain the support of the senate.
* Read Dio's account @ Cic:Fam_13.4'2; +Plut:CatMin_31'6-32'2, +:Caes_14'2-3; +Appian:BCiv_2'10; +DioCass_38.1'1-2'3;* { CAH_9'369.} |
5 | Pompeius and Crassus speak in favour of Caesar's law at an assembly.
* Read Dio's account @ +Plut:Caes_14'4-6, :Pomp_47'5-8; +Appian:BCiv_2'10; +DioCass_38.4'1-5'5.* |
6 | Caesar attempts to put Cato in prison.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ValMax_2.10'7; +Plut:CatMin_33'2-4, +:Caes_14'11-15;* +Suet:Caes_20'4; Gell_4.10'8<q" Capito>; +DioCass_38.3'1-3; { CAH_9'369; there is disagreement between the sources about the context of this incident.} |
7 | Caesar curbs opposition from Lucullus by threatening him with prosecution.
@ +Suet:Caes_20'4; { CAH_9'372.} |
8 | Caesar's agrarian law is passed by the assembly of the people, after his opponents are removed by force.
@ (?) ARS_91; Cic:Vat_21-23; [Liv]:Per_103; Vell_2.44'2; +Plut:CatMin_32'3-4, +:Caes_14'9, :Pomp_48'1-3; +Suet:Caes_20'1; +Appian:BCiv_2'11; +DioCass_38.6'1-4; Schol:Bob_161-162;L { CAH_9'369-371; OCD³.} |
9 | The senators, including Cato, are forced to swear to abide by the terms of Caesar's law.
* Read Plutarch's account @ +Plut:CatMin_32'5-11;* +Appian:BCiv_2'12; +DioCass_38.7'1-2; Schol:Bob_133.L |
10 | Caesar grants a rebate to the contractors for tax-collecting in Asia.
@ Cic:Planc_35; +Suet:Caes_20'3; +Appian:BCiv_2'13, 5'4;(↓) +DioCass_38.7'4-5; Schol:Bob_157,L 159;L { CAH_9'372.} |
11 | Caesar passes a law to ratify Pompeius' arrangements in the East.
* Read Dio's account @ [Caes]:BAlex_68'1; Strab_12'558;(3.33) Plut:Pomp_48'4; +Appian:BCiv_2'13; +DioCass_38.7'5;* { CAH_9'372; OCD³.} |
12 | {March -R} Cicero speaks in defence of C.Antonius, but Antonius is convicted of extortion and goes into exile.
* Read Dio's account @ Cic:Dom_41, :Vat_27-28, :Cael_16, 45, 74; Strab_10'455;(2.13) ValMax_4.2'6; +Suet:Caes_20'4; +DioCass_38.10'1-11'6;* [Vict]:VirIll_81'4; Schol:Bob_94,L 149;L { CAH_9'372.} |
13 | Clodius is transferred to the plebeians, after being "adopted" by P.Fonteius.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Dom_35-42,* 77, :HarResp_45, :Sest_15-16, :ProvCon_42, :Att_8.3'3; [Liv]:Per_103; Ascon_26;L +Plut:Caes_14'16-17; +Suet:Caes_20'4, :Tib_2'4; +DioCass_38.12'1-2, 39.11'2; { CAH_9'372; OCD³.} |
14 | EGY << Diodorus starts the research for his history, by making a visit to Egypt.
* Read Diodorus' account @ Diod_1.4'1, 44'1, '4, 46'7, 83'8-9;* { OCD³; when Diodorus visited Egypt, Ptolemy had not yet been recognised by the Romans.} |
15 | The Romans recognise Ptolemy as a Roman ally, after he pays a large bribe.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Att_2.16'2, :RabPost_4-6;* +Caes:BCiv_3.107'2; Suet:Caes_54'3; { CAH_9'373; Hölbl_p225-226.} |
16 | ROM {? April -R} The consul Bibulus retires to his home, and refrains from public business.
* Read Dio's account @ Cic:HarResp_45; +Vell_2.44'5; Sen:Dial_6.14'1-2; +Plut:Caes_14'9, :Pomp_48'5; +Suet:Caes_20'1; +Appian:BCiv_2'12;(↓) +DioCass_38.6'4-6;* Schol:Bob_147-148;L { CAH_9'371; according to Plutarch, Bibulus stayed at home for the last eight months of the year.} |
17 | Pompeius marries Julia, the daughter of Caesar.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Cic:Off_3'82; Vell_2.44'3; Plut:CatMin_31'6, :Caes_5'7, +14'7, :Pomp_47'9-10,* 70'7; +Suet:Caes_21'1; +Appian:BCiv_2'14; +DioCass_38.9'1; { CAH_9'374; OCD³.} |
18 | Caesar shows great respect towards Pompeius, following their marriage alliance.
* Read Gellius' account @ Gell_4.10'5-7;* +Suet:Caes_21'1, 83'1. |
19 | Caesar buys an expensive pearl for Servilia, the mother of Brutus.
@ +Suet:Caes_50'2. |
20 | ETR Cicero composes a secret pamphlet against the triumvirate.
* Read Dio's account @ Cic:Att_2.6'2; DioCass_39.10'1-3.* |
21 | {April -R} Document: Cic:Att_2.4-15, letters from Cicero to Atticus, written while Cicero was at Antium and Formiae. { CAH_9'373.} |
22 | {May -R} Document: Cic:Att_2.16 & 2.17, two more letters from Cicero to Atticus, referring to proposals for using Campanian land. |
23 | ROM Caesar is given the provinces of Cisalpine Gaul and Illyricum, through a law proposed by Vatinius.
* Read Dio's account @ Vell_2.44'5; +Plut:CatMin_33'5, +:Caes_14'10, :Pomp_48'4, :Crass_14'3; +Suet:Caes_22'1; +Appian:BCiv_2'13,(↓) '+14;(↓) +DioCass_38.8'3-5;* Eutrop_6.17'1; Oros_6.7'1; Schol:Bob_146;L { CAH_9'374; OCD³.} |
24 | Caesar marries Calpurnia.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Plut:Caes_14'8,* :Pomp_47'10; +Suet:Caes_21'1; +Appian:BCiv_2'14; +DioCass_38.9'1; { OCD³.} |
25 | Caesar passes a law to distribute the Campanian land, in addition to his previous agrarian law.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Att_2.18'2;* Caes:BCiv_1.14'4; Cic:Phil_2'101; +Vell_2.44'4; Plin:HN_7'176; +Plut:CatMin_33'1, :Cic_26'3; +Suet:Caes_20'3, :Caes_81'1, :Aug_4'1; Appian:BCiv_2'10; +DioCass_38.7'3, 45.12'2. |
26 | Cicero rejects Caesar's offers of appointments, including a place on the agrarian commission.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Att_2.18'3, :ProvCon_41-42,* :Pis_79; Vell_2.45'2; Plut:Cic_30'2-3; { CAH_9'375.} |
27 | Metellus Celer dies suddenly, as he is setting out for his province.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Vat_19, :Cael_34, 59-60;* Schol:Bob_139,L 147;L { CAH_9'371.} |
28 | Vettius claims to be involved in a plot to kill Caesar and Pompeius.
* Read Dio's account @ Cic:Vat_42-46; Plut:Luc_42'7-8; +Suet:Caes_20'5; +Appian:BCiv_2'12; +DioCass_38.9'2-4;* Schol:Bob_139,L 148;L { CAH_9'375; OCD³.} |
29 | Clodius is elected tribune for the following year.
@ Quint_2.4'35; +Plut:CatMin_33'6; +Appian:BCiv_2'14; +DioCass_38.12'2. |
30 | Caesar establishes Ariovistus, the king of the Germans, as a Roman ally.
* Read Caesar's account @ +Caes:BGall_1.35'2,* 40'2; Plut:Caes_19'1; +Appian:Gall_16'1-17'1.(21) |
31 | The senate gives the province of Transalpine Gaul to Caesar, in addition to Cisalpine Gaul.
* Read Suetonius' account @ Cic:Att_8.3'3; +Suet:Caes_22'1-2;* +DioCass_38.8'5; Oros_6.7'1; { CAH_9'274; OCD³.} |
32 | Vatinius passes a law, on behalf of Caesar, to send colonists to Novum Comum.
* Read Strabo's account @ Strab_5'213;* (1.6) Suet:Caes_28'3; Appian:BCiv_2'26; { OCD³; DPRR.} |
32a | Diphilus the actor is applauded when he recites a line from a play, "To our misfortune you are Great", with reference to Pompeius.
@ Cic:Att_2.19'3; ValMax_6.2'9. |
32b | ++ The philosopher Diodotus lives with Cicero for many years, after he goes blind.
@ Cic:Tusc_5'113; { Diodotus died in 59 B.C. - see Cic:Att_2.20'6.} |
33 | << Document: Cic:QFr_1.1, a long letter of advice from Cicero to his brother Quintus. |
34 | {June/July -R} Document: Cic:Att_2.18-21, four letters from Cicero to Atticus, written after his return to Rome. |
35 | THR C.Octavius defeats the Bessi.
* Read Suetonius' account @ +CIL_6.1311; Vell_2.59'2; Suet:Aug_3'2, 94'5-7;* { DPRR.} |
35a | EGY << Document: CPI_59, an inscription in honour of the nurse of king Ptolemy XII. |
36 | ROM Caesar passes the Lex Julia de repetundis, a law to prevent extortion by provincial governors.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Sest_135,* :Pis_37, 50, 90, :RabPost_12, :Att_5.16'3, :Fam_2.17'2, 5.20'2; Justin:Dig_50.5'3<q" Scaevola>; Justin:Dig_1.9'2<q" Marcellus>, 1.16'10<q" Ulpian>, 48.1.1<q" Macer>, 48.11'1-9; Schol:Bob_140,L 149;L { CAH_9'377; OCD³.} |
37 | The aediles C.Murena and C.Varro import Spartan paintings to display in Rome.
* Read Vitruvius' account @ Vitr_2.8'9;* Plin:HN_35'173; { DPRR.} |
38 | Document: Cic:Flac_, Cicero's speech in defence of L.Flaccus.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Att_2.25'1;* (?) ValMax_7.8'7; Macrob:Sat_2.1'13;L Schol:Bob_93-108;L { CAH_9'377; OCD³.} |
39 | Document: Cic:Att_2.22-25, letters from Cicero to Atticus. |
40 | {17 October -R} Gabinius and Piso, the nominees of the triumvirs, are elected consuls for the following year.
@ Cic:RedSen_17, :Pis_3; +Plut:CatMin_33'7, :Pomp_48'4; +Appian:BCiv_2'14; Schol:Bob_108. |
41 | {? November -R} Document: Cic:QFr_1.2, another letter from Cicero to his brother Quintus. |
42 | {29 December -R} Clodius prevents Bibulus from making a speech at the end of his year as consul.
@ +DioCass_38.12'3. |
43 | == Calenus passes a law requiring the votes of the three classes in juries to be recorded separately.
@ +DioCass_38.8'1; Schol:Bob_97.L |
44 | == Caesar publishes the Acts (proceedings) of the Roman senate and people.
@ +Suet:Caes_20'1; { CAH_9'368; OCD³.} |
45 | == The Lex Julia improves the welfare of the citizens of Utica.
@ [Caes]:BAfr_87'3; { It is not clear which Lex Julia this refers to.} |
46 | == Cicero unsuccessfully advises Pompeius to curtail his support for Caesar.
@ Cic:Phil_2'23. |
47 | << Brithagoras goes to visit Caesar, in an attempt to restore the liberty of Heracleia.
@ Memn_40'1-3; { If it is true that Brithagoras stayed with Caesar for 12 years, this must have been before Caesar left for Gaul.} |
48 | == Caesar steals 3,000 pounds of gold from the Capitol at Rome.
@ +Suet:Caes_54'3. |
49 | == General comments on Caesar's first consulship.
* Read Suetonius' account @ Suet:Caes_9'2, 20'2,* 30'3; Appian:BCiv_2'13, 2'25; +DioCass_38.8'2; Schol:Bob_135.L |
50 | == The misdemeanours of Vatinius, as tribune.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Vat_5, 13-20,* 29-32; Schol:Bob_145-147,L 149-151;L { DPRR.} |
51 | == The supposed setting of a literary dialogue between Curio and his son.
@ Cic:Brut_218-219. |
52 | ?? M.Antonius spends all of the younger Curio's money.
@ Plut:Ant_2'4-5; { Before Clodius became tribune.} |
53 | == The birth of the historian T.Livius.
@ +Hieron:Chron_1958; { OCD³.} |
54 | ASI << Q.Cicero has a premonition of his brother's exile.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Div_1'58,* 2'136, '140. |
55 | PAL ?? Menaemus greets the young Herodes as "king of the Jews".
@ Joseph:AJ_15'373; { Herodes was born in about 73 B.C.} |
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