Cairo JE 34002 - - - - | AET_7.1 The Naukratis Decree (380) |
Cairo JE 72130 [TM 92264 ] | AET_8.16 The Hermopolis stela of Nectanebo I (c. 373)
Cairo JE 48864 - - - - | AET_8.15 The stela of Harsiotef (380-360)
Berlin ÄM 14399 - - - - | AET_8.17 Edict of Nectanebo II (357/6)
Cairo CG 29307 [TM 109518 ] | AET_4.39 Epitaph of the dwarf Djeho (c. 346)
Cairo CG 29306 - - - - | AET_4.39.C Epitaph of Tjaiharpta (c. 346)
Saqqara H5-DP 200 - - - - | AET_6.8 Letters to and about Pewenhor (364-345)
MMA 50.85 [TM 113760 ] | AET_1.12 Myths of Isis (360-343)
MMA 50.85 [TM 113760 ] | AET_2.1 Spells against poison and other dangers (360-343)
Louvre A.88 [TM 435950] | AET_4.32 Statues of General Hor (mid 4th cent.)
Naples 1035 [TM 48488] | AET_4.26 Epitaph of Somtutefnakht (c. 330)
MoA 25 (70/26) [TM 51573] | AET_9.1.A Record of an Apis bull's mother (May 327)
P. Turin Cat. 2117 {R 08} - - | AET_9.13 The glorifications of Herisenef (c. 325)
P. Strasb. 1 [TM 43751] | AET_7.8.A Cession from father to son (Nov./Dec. 324)
Petosiris no. 81 - - - - | AET_4.7 Biographical inscription of Petosiris (c. 320)
{Luxor} - - - - | AET_9.11 Inscription of Ankh-pa-hered (Apr. 320)
Cairo JE 46341 [TM 58328] | AET_4.9 Statue of Djedhor, a Healer-Priest (323-317)
Chicago OI 10589 - - - - | AET_4.9.D Statue of Djedhor, a Healer-Priest (323-317)
P. Eheverträge 2 D [TM 43839] | AET_6.18 Payment for maintenance of a daughter (Jan./Feb. 316)
P. Ryl. Dem. 10 [TM 44664] | AET_7.8.B Marriage Contract (Jan. 315)
Cairo CG 22182 [TM 89793] | AET_8.5 Decree of satrap Ptolemy Lagides (Nov. 311)
Paris {?} - - - - | AET_4.25.A Statue of Nectanebo II's son (c. 330-310)
Berlin 7 {?} - - - - | AET_4.25.B Epitaph of Nectanebo I's great-nephew (c. 330-310)
P.Fam.Theb. 3 [TM 43779] | AET_7.7 Sale and Cession of House (Mar. 307)
BM EA 10252 [TM 57226] | AET_1.3 The book of the victory over Seth (307/6)
BM EA 10188 [TM 48496] | AET_1.4 Two versions of the creation myth (c. 305)
BM EA 10188 [TM 48496] | AET_1.9 The Ritual of Bringing in Sokar (c. 305)
BM EA 10188 [TM 48496] | AET_1.10 The Songs of Isis and Nephthys (c. 305)
Louvre IM 3358 - - - - | AET_9.1.B Record of an Apis bull (Mar. 302)
Louvre IM 3347 - - - - | AET_9.1.C Record of an Apis bull (Apr. 302)
"BM fragments" - - - - | AET_7.8.C House Sale (Dec. 301)
Cairo JE 37169 - - - - | 4.33.A Statue of Espmetis (340-300)
Berlin 18562 - - - - | 4.33.B Statue of Espmetis (340-300)
Glasgow 13.233 [TM 701660] | 4.33.C Statue of Nesmin (340-300)
Berlin ÄM 2268 - - - - | AET_8.4 The stela of Nastasen (335-300)
Cairo JE 37075 [TM 48353] | AET_4.28 Statue of Ahmose (332-300)
Vienna ÄS 236 [TM 90069] | AET_5.11.A Stela of Mut-min (late 4th cent.)
Cairo JE 88877 [TM 44553] | AET_5.11.B Stela of Nehem-set-Rat-tawy (late 4th cent.)
Brooklyn 47.218.135 [TM 56077] | AET_3.9 The Brooklyn Wisdom Papyrus (4th cent.)
Lausanne inv. 7 {Widmer} - - | AET_4.8 The inscription of Hor-nefer (c. 300)
Baltimore WAM 22.183 [TM 48499] | AET_4.10.A Statue of Nesmin (c. 300)
Linköping ÖM 102 - - - - | AET_4.10.B Statue of Nesmin (c. 300)
Cairo JE 38025 - - - - | AET_4.10.C Statue of Nesmin (c. 300)
Stockholm NME 74 - - - - | AET_5.6 Statue of Semset ( c. 300)
Louvre IM 39 - - - - | AET_9.1.D Record of an Apis bull (July 299)
BM EA 10523 [TM 43760] | AET_7.8.D Loan, secured by house (Dec. 295)
Louvre IM 3332 - - - - | AET_9.1.E Record of an Apis bull (Oct. 293)
P. Leiden 382 [TM 46830] | AET_6.10 Letter from Phib to Part (? June 289)
P. Ryl. Dem. 11 [TM 43777] | AET_7.8.E House Sale from husband to wife (May 284)
BM EA 10525 [TM 43764] | AET_7.8.F Loan, secured by house (Sep. 284)
Kelsey 25803 [TM 53683] | AET_8.6 Honours for Sheamenopy at Naucratis (Jan. 280)
Louvre IM 4177 - - - - | AET_9.1.F Record of an Apis bull (Feb. 280)
P. Ryl. Dem. 12 [TM 8540] | AET_7.8.G House Sale (279)
P. Ryl. Dem. 14 [TM 46176 ] | AET_7.8.H Cession by father of vendor (Nov. 279)
- - - - [TM 51427] | AET_9.10 Graffito in temple of Satis, Elephantine (? 281-277)
I.Bucheum 3 [TM 107607] | AET_9.2.A Epitaph of a Buchis bull (Apr. 270)
BM EA 10077 A [TM 46059] | AET_7.29.A Contract with an embalmer (Jan. 269)
Brooklyn 37.1821E [TM 48570] | AET_2.7 Prayer of a blind man (July 265)
Cairo CG 22181 [TM 58583] | AET_8.7 The Great Mendes Stela (Apr. 264)
Cairo CG 22183 [TM 58344] | THI_258 Pithom Stele (c. 264)
P. Lille dem. 32 [TM 4472] | AET_8.21 Report on migrants (264/3)
- - - - - - - - | THI_256 Sais Stele of Ptolemy II (264/3)
Berlin P 13637 [TM 46017] | AET_7.20 Oath in the king's name (Mar. 261)
ODK-L.S. 462.4 [TM 51369] | AET_8.8 Edict concerning a survey of Egypt (Nov. 258)
Cairo CG 70031 [TM 47828] | AET_4.27.A Statue of Senu-Sher ( 275-255)
BM EA 1668 [TM 47827] | AET_4.27.B Statue of Senu-Sher ( 275-255)
MMA 5A.858, no. 3 - - - - | AET_6.14.G Receipt of burial tax (Jan. 255)
MoA 38 (70/66) [TM 51583] | AET_9.1.G Record of an Apis bull's mother (Feb. 253)
Louvre N 2433 [TM 2433] | AET_6.2.C Marriage Contract (Jan./Feb. 252)
Berlin ÄM 2131 [TM 52188] | AET_9.1.H Record of an Apis bull (July/Aug. 252)
BM EA 379 [TM 55512] | AET_4.11 Epitaph of Nesisti (c. 250)
P. Mattha [TM 48855] | AET_7.2 Demotic Legal Code of Hermopolis (300-250)
Delos A 379 [TM 112676] | AET_5.12 Statue of Nesnephthys (323-250)
Saqqara 1972/3-DP 19 - - | AET_6.9 Letters to and from Horhotep (325-250)
MMA 5A.859, no. 5 - - - - | AET_6.14.B Approval to build a tomb (Dec. 248)
P. Lille dem. 4 [TM 2857] | AET_7.19 Provision of surety for a prisoner (Mar. 247)
Louvre IM 5934 - - - - | AET_9.1.I Record of building work in the Serapeum (c. 247)
Chicago OI 10518 [TM 5984] | AET_5.13 Statue of Arsinoe II (270-246)
{Philae} - - - - | Hymns Hymns to Isis (284-246)
BE_2013.472 [TM 129851] | THI_257 Decree of Alexandria (Dec. 243)
Cairo CG 31073 [TM 44345] | AET_8.9 Survey of land near Tebtunis (c. 240)
P. Carlsberg 34 [TM 41380] | AET_6.5.A Matrimonial Property Contract (Mar. 239)
Cairo CG 22187 [TM 55659] | AET_8.10 The Canopus Decree (Mar. 238)
Uppsala VM 1185 [TM 50696] | AET_7.6.J Basket tax receipt ( ? May 236)
Berlin P 13535 [TM 44287] | AET_7.5 A tax-collectors' oath (July/Aug. 236)
P. Carlsberg 35 [TM 41381] | AET_6.5.B Matrimonial Property Contract (Nov. 235)
Uppsala VM 1323 [TM 50695] | AET_7.6.I House tax receipt (233/2)
BM EA 10074 [TM 2722] | AET_6.4.B Demotic divorce document (Apr./May 230)
BM EA 10079.C [TM 46062] | AET_6.4.B Demotic divorce document (Apr./May 230)
Louvre IM 3355 - - - - | AET_9.1.J Record of an Apis bull (Apr./May 229)
Cairo JE 89375 [TM 2926] | AET_6.2.D Marriage Contract (Mar. 223)
Vienna 162 [TM 52172] | AET_4.24 Epitaph of Djedhor (June 223)
{Karnak} - - - - | AET_1.7 Maat and the Golden Age (246-222)
BM EA 380 [TM 48368] | AET_4.11.B Epitaph of Horemhotep (c. 230-220)
Lady Meux 52 [TM 89845] | AET_5.7 Epitaph of Tahebet (c. 230-220)
P. Carlsberg 37 [TM 41383] | AET_7.28 Burial arrangements at Hawara (Mar. 220)
Vienna 153 [TM 52171] | AET_4.24 Epitaph of Anemhor (June 217)
Cairo CG 31088 [TM 2985] | THI_259 Raphia Decree (Nov. 217)
Berlin P 13565 [TM 46482] | AET_6.22 Letter about a victory festival (Aug. 216)
Macquarie P. 332 [TM 46830] | AET_6.11 Letter from a perfume trader (Apr. 215)
P.Duk.inv. 724 [TM 46830] | AET_6.11.B Document of authorisation (Apr. 215)
Louvre E 9416 [TM 2879] | AET_7.34.A Sale of land to Nikon (Oct./Nov. 214)
BM EA 10463 [TM 8518 ] | AET_7.34.B Sale of land by Nikon (Feb. 210)
{Edfu} - - - - | AET_1.13 Hymns to Horus (222-206)
Cairo JE 38258 [TM 52212] | AET_6.16 Letter dated to reign of Haronnophris (Nov. 205)
BM EA 10486 [ TM 620 ] | AET_7.17.A Proposal to become a Scribe in Pathyris (Sep. 204)
P.Ryl.Dem. 32 [TM 500] | AET_7.17.B Transfer of a plot of land (Nov./Dec. 204)
Cairo CG 30647 [TM 8703] | AET_7.36.A Lease of royal land, with surety (204)
Cairo CG 30697 [TM 8704] | AET_7.36.B Lease of royal land, with surety (July 203)
Cairo CG 30689 [TM 8705] | AET_7.36.C Lease of royal land, with surety (Dec. 203)
Cairo CG 50164 [TM 43384] | AET_7.35.A Sale of land dated to reign of Haronnophris (202/1)
Cairo CG 50165 [TM 43348] | AET_7.35.B Sale of land dated to reign of Haronnophris (202/1)
Vienna 5857 [TM 48739] | AET_5.1 Epitaph of Tathotis (late 3rd cent.)
Cairo CG 700 - - - - | AET_4.29 Statue of Teos (3rd cent.)
Cairo CG 10313 [TM 554] | AET_6.6 Letter from Ptolemaeus to Achilles (3rd cent.)
MMA 5A.858, no. 5 - - - - | AET_6.14.A Receipt for a burial plot (3rd cent.)
P. Fitzhugh D. 2 [TM 51409] | AET_6.21 Memorandum to Overseer of Fields (3rd cent.)
Paris Bib. Nat. 215 [TM 48871] | AET_3.11 Amasis and the Sailor (3rd cent.)
Paris Bib. Nat. 215 [TM 53852] | AET_8.20 The Demotic Chronicle (3rd cent.)
P. Jena 1209 [TM 55962] | AET_2.4.B A Demotic Dreambook (4th/3rd cent.)
Louvre C 284 - - - - | AET_3.1 The Bentresh Stela (4th/3rd cent.)
BM EA 24 [φ 219002] | AET_8.11 Greek section of the Rosetta Stone (Mar. 196)
BM EA 24 [TM 8809] | AET_8.12 Hieroglyphic & demotic sections of Rosetta Stone (Mar. 196)
BM EA 10624 [ TM 2752 ] | AET_9.4.A Self-dedication to Soknebtynis (Mar./Apr. 195)
P. Tor. Totoes 1 [TM 45078] | AET_7.18.A Contract for sale of liturgical days (Aug. 194)
BM EA 10560 [TM 46008] | AET_7.23 Lease of land at Philadelphia (Sep. 190)
- - - - - - - - | AET_5.10 Epitaph of Nefersobek (Dec. 189)
Berlin P 15527 [TM 46508] | AET_6.23 Letter about priests who fled to Nubia (Apr. 187)
P. Tor. Totoes 2 [TM 2956 ] | AET_7.18.B Contract for sale of liturgical days (Aug. 187)
P. Hearst 6 [TM 2759] | AET_7.10.A Marriage Contract (Feb. 186)
- - - - [TM 48339] | THI_260 Second Philae Decree (Sep. 186)
- - - - [TM 48335] | THI_261 First Philae Decree (185/4)
Cairo RT 2/3/25/7 + JE 44901 | THI_262 Decree of the priests at Memphis (Apr. 182)
P. Mich.inv. 3603 - - - | AET_9.4.B Self-dedications to Anubis (July 182)
Yale PM 264191 [TM 145039] | AET_4.19 Statue of Horpakhepesh (c. 193-180)
I.Bucheum 7 [TM 90603] | AET_9.2.B Epitaph of a Buchis bull (Feb. 180)
P. Tebt. 1165 - - - - | AET_7.9 Proposal to become priest of Harsaphes (180/79)
P. Hearst 7 [TM 2760] | AET_7.10.B Property settlement at Deir el Ballas (Mar. 175)
Berlin P. 6464 [TM 4638] | AET_7.6.K Beer tax receipt ( ? 175/4)
BM EA 10593 [TM 45564] | AET_6.2.E Marriage Contract (Jan. 172)
O. Hor 19 [TM 48986] | AET_9.14 Notes of a meeting about the Ibis Cult (June 172)
Cairo CG 50018 [TM 44343] | AET_9.4.C Self-dedication to Egyptian gods (c. 176-170)
BM EA 10591 [TM 53821] | AET_7.4 Procès verbal: a judgment in Siut (June 170)
Pap. Erbach [TM 46722] | AET_6.7 Letter from a soldier to residents of Djeme (? Apr. 167)
- - - - [TM 51427] | AET_9.10 Graffito in the temple of Satis, Elephantine (? 168-164)
Louvre N 2414 [TM 3497] | AET_3.4.B Petition of Harmais (Oct. 163 B.C.)
Louvre N 2414 [TM 55922] | AET_3.4.A Demotic papyrus of moral precepts (c. 163 B.C.)
I.Bucheum 8 [TM 107612] | AET_9.2.C Epitaph of a Buchis bull (Feb. 162)
O. Hermitage 1129 [TM 51867] | AET_2.6.B Dream in the Serapeum at Memphis (Sep. 160)
P. Oxf. Griffith 1.38 [TM 48879] | AET_6.20.A Report from Soknopaiou Nesos (Oct. 159)
O. Hor 1 [TM 48969] | AET_2.3.A Dream of Ḥor (Dec. 159)
P. Dem. Bologna 3173 [TM 44687] | AET_2.6.A Dream in the Serapeum at Memphis (161-158)
LD iv.27 - - - - | AET_8.18 Donation of Ptolemy VI to Isis at Philae (July 157)
BM 10561 [TM 2739] | AET_7.29.B Embalmers' agreement (July 157)
P. Oxf. Griffith 1.39 [TM 48545] | AET_6.20.B Report from Soknopaiou Nesos (June 156)
P. Rifeh B.3 [TM 58104] | AET_7.16.A Embalmment contract (Sep. 153)
P.Ryl.Dem. 16 [TM 309] | AET_6.3.A Marriage contract from Pathyris (Apr. 152)
- - - - - - - - | AET_6.14.D Approval of Burial (Dec. 152 or 141)
Louvre E 13074 [TM 48445] | AET_4.31 Epitaph of Achomarres - Hor (Nov. 151)
P. Carlsberg 562 [TM 56096] | AET_2.5.C Nectanebo's Dream (c. 150)
P. Rifeh E 3 [TM 43912] | AET_7.11 Allotment of crown lands to soldiers (c. 150)
- - - - [TM 48570] | AET_9.12 Breathing Permit of Hôr (200-150)
P. Bud. 51.2172 [TM 154291] | AET_7.22 Contracts with sculptors at Tholthis (Mar. 148?)
O. Hor 8 [TM 48975] | AET_2.3.C Dream of Ḥor (171-147)
O. Hor 2 [TM 48970] | AET_2.3.B Dream of Ḥor (168-147)
P. Oxf. Griffith 1.40 [TM 48880] | AET_6.20.C Report from Soknopaiou Nesos (Mar. 147 or 136)
P. Oxf. Griffith 1.59 [TM 45619] | AET_7.31 Contract for the hire of a donkey (Aug. 145 ?)
P. Merton Dem. 1 [TM 46029] | AET_9.5 Admission of a priest at Tebtunis (Jan. 141)
Berlin P 3113 [TM 3639] | AET_7.26 Cession following judges' decision (May 141)
Berlin P 3090 [TM 3577] | AET_7.25 Sale of an empty plot at Djeme (Sep. 140)
P. Rifeh B.7 [TM 43644] | AET_7.16.B List of animals (170-140)
BM EA 10622 [TM 45756] | AET_9.4.D Self-dedication to Soknebtynis (Mar. 137)
Berlin P 5507 [TM 43627] | AET_7.12 Bilingual sale of liturgies (Jan. 136)
Berlin P 3098 [TM 43627] | AET_7.12 Quitclaim for sale of liturgies (Jan. 136)
P. Oxf. Griffith 1.41 [TM 48881] | AET_6.20.D Report from Soknopaiou Nesos (Dec. 131)
Cairo JE 38545 - - - - | AET_4.30 Statue of the astronomer Harkhebi (154-130)
P. dem. Gieben 1 [TM 46723 ] | AET_6.12 Letter about looters (330-130)
Kansas City 47-12 [TM 48436 ] | AET_4.18 Statue of the dioiketes Harchebi / Archibios (c. 136-121)
O. Turin G. 5 [TM 91973] | AET_7.27.C Decisory Oath (Aug. 124)
O. Turin S. 12778 [TM 92638] | AET_7.27.D Decisory Oath (Nov. 123)
- - - - [TM 290103] | THI_263 Stele of Ptolemy VIII at Heracleion (c. 118)
O. Edfou 130 [TM 55388] | AET_6.14.E Approval of burial, and receipt of burial tax (Jan. 117)
{Medinet Habu} - - - - | AET_1.15 Praise of the Creator Gods (145-116)
- - - - - - - - | AET_8.19 The Kingston Lacy Obelisk (c. 124-116)
P.Ryl.Dem. 20 [TM 135] | AET_6.3.B Marriage contract from Pathyris (Oct. 116)
P. Tor. Botti 16 [TM 45087] | AET_6.4.C Demotic divorce document (Dec. 114)
Mallawi 602/10 [TM 47352] | AET_7.32 Lawsuit concerning rights of embalmers (Oct. 111)
O Edfou:255 [TM 50986] | AET_6.14.F Receipt of burial tax (May 110)
{Edfu} - - - - | AET_1.1 Legend of Horus of Behutet and the Winged Disk (c. 110)
{Edfu} - - - - | AET_1.14 The Sacred Drama of Horus (c. 110)
Cairo CG 22137 [TM 48426] | OGIS_737.B Epitaph of Dorion (c. 110)
Berlin P 3115 [TM 3058] | AET_9.6.A Religious association document (Apr. 109)
Berlin P 3115 [TM 3058] | AET_9.6.B Religious association document (Dec. 109)
Brooklyn 37.1796E [TM 45998] | AET_7.13 Contracts for sale of wheat (Feb. 108)
P. Dion. 3 [TM 3058] | AET_7.37 Loan of Wheat (Dec. 108)
Berlin P 3115 [TM 3058] | AET_9.6.C Religious association document (Dec. 108)
Berlin P 3115 [TM 3058] | AET_9.6.D Religious association document (Mar. 106)
P.Dion. 7 [TM 3090] | AET_7.24 Sale of a Cow (Nov. 106)
P. Tor. Botti 29 [TM 45102] | AET_6.14.C Receipt for share of burial (Aug. 105)
Berlin P 13381 [TM 162] | AET_6.13.A Letter from Panobchounis (Sep. 103)
BM EA 69008 [TM 162] | AET_6.13.A Letter from Panobchounis (Sep. 103)
Louvre IM 3709 - - - - | AET_9.15 Names of dead persons, for blessing (June 102)
P. Heid. dem. 742B [TM 159] | AET_6.13.B Letter from Panobchounis (Sep. 102)
Cairo CG 22050 [TM 44174] | AET_4.16 Epitaph of Pasas at Edfu (103-101)
I.Bucheum 11 [TM 107615] | AET_9.2.D Epitaph of a Buchis bull (May 101)
Turin 3062 [TM 43963] | AET_4.17 Statue of the general Petimuthes (c. 100)
{Edfu} - - - - | AET_1.8 Coronation Ritual of the Falcon (late 2nd cent.)
Cairo CG 22018 [TM 44169] | AET_5.8 Epitaph of Hatheritis (late 2nd cent.)
P.Ryl.Dem. 37 [TM 498] | AET_6.3.E Marriage contract from Pathyris (late 2nd cent.)
Berlin P 3008 [TM 57089] | AET_1.11 Lamentations of Isis and Nephthys (2nd cent.)
P. Rainer 19.813 [TM 63927] | AET_2.8 The Potter's Oracle (2nd cent.)
{Edfu} - - - - | AET_3.6 Advice on the conduct of priests (2nd cent.)
Cairo JE 85743 [TM 91974] | AET_4.14 Statue of Aristonikos (2nd cent.)
Berlin P 13621 [TM 46092] | AET_7.3 Legal Process Regulations (2nd cent.)
P. L. Bat. 26 57 [TM 3054] | AET_3.2 Decisory Oath (2nd cent.)
Cairo CG 30646 [TM 55857] | AET_7.27.A First Tale of Setne Khamwas (3rd/2nd cent.)
P. Tor. Botti 36 [TM 45108] | AET_7.21 Contract concerning collection-boxes (Mar. 100)
Cairo JE 38033 - - - - | AET_4.21.A Statue of Platon the Younger (Sep. 98)
Louvre IM 91 [TM 55384] | AET_9.1.K Record of an Apis bull (Oct. 97)
O. Turin S. 12682 [TM 113] | AET_7.27.E Decisory Oath (Feb. 95)
Uppsala VM 973 [TM 43507] | AET_7.6.N Tax receipt (94/3)
P. Ryl. Dem. 28 [TM 138] | AET_6.3.C Marriage contract from Pathyris (Jan. 91)
{Edfu} - - - - | AET_8.13 History of the temple of Horus (c. 90)
P. Ryl. Dem. 30 [TM 502] | AET_6.3.D Marriage contract from Pathyris (June 89)
Uppsala VM 884 [TM 2475] | AET_7.6.L Tax receipt (Nov. 89)
Louvre IM 3324 [TM 99568] | AET_9.1.L Record of an Apis bull (Mar. 86)
Cairo CG 30625 [TM 43271] | AET_7.33 Lease at Kerkesoucha Orous (Oct. 79)
Louvre E 8112 [TM 50081] | AET_7.27.B Decisory Oath (79 or 50)
Vienna 82 [TM 55540] | AET_4.12 Epitaph of Pedubast (Apr. 76)
Cleveland 48.141 [TM 43987] | AET_4.36 Statue of the strategos Amphiomis (125-75)
Cairo CG 31099 [TM 52822] | AET_9.1.M Epitaph of Anemhor (May 73)
P. Moscow inv. 123 [TM 5815] | AET_6.15 Will of Heti (Apr. 68)
BM EA 10075 [TM 3534] | AET_7.30.A Sale of a house by four siblings (Dec. 64)
Bodl. MS. Eg. a 41 P [TM 92970] | AET_7.30.B Cession of a house by four siblings (Dec. 64)
Short Texts 1.153 [TM 44175] | AET_9.8 Graffito of a strategos and family (Dec. 61)
Medinet Habu Gr. 43 [TM 53576] | AET_9.7.A Visit of strategos to temple of Djeser-set (Jan. 55)
Louvre E 15863 [TM 112276] | AET_4.34.A Statue of Panemerit, governor of Tanis (80-51)
{Tanis} [TM 336339] | AET_4.34.B Statue of Panemerit, governor of Tanis (80-51)
Philadelphia 40-19-3 | AET_4.35.A Statue of Korax at Dendera (80-50)
Cairo JE 45390 [TM 43980] | AET_4.35.B Statue of Korax at Dendera (80-50)
Detroit 51.83 [TM 44173] | AET_4.38.A Statue of the strategos Pakhom (80-50)
O. Ifao Edfu D 632 [TM 128947] | AET_6.17 Memorandum to the strategos Hierax (c. 50)
Aswan 1057 [TM 51414] | AET_4.15 Epitaph of Petiesi (150-50)
Louvre IM 4146 - - - - | AET_9.1.N Record of donations to cult of Apis (50/49)
Medinet Habu Gr. 44 [TM 48532] | AET_9.7.B Visit of strategos to temple of Djeser-set (Sep. 48)
Louvre IM 8 [TM 47260] | AET_4.20 The stela of Padinefertum (? Jun. 47)
O. Ashm. Dem. 633 [TM 111067] | AET_9.9.A Horoscope from Athribis (Apr. 44)
London UC 14357 [TM 113111] | AET_5.3 Epitaph of Kheredankh (Feb. 43)
BM EA 147 [TM 58339] | AET_5.4 Epitaph of Taimhotep (Feb. 42)
MoA 46 (70/19) [TM 51592] | AET_9.1.O Record of an Apis bull's mother (Aug. 41)
BM EA 886 [TM 58463] | AET_4.13 Epitaph of Psherenptah (Oct. 41)
BM EA 392 [TM 55516] | AET_5.5 Epitaph of Berenice (July 33)
BM EA 1325 [TM 53794] | AET_7.14 Contract with linen manufacturers at Coptos (Jan. 30)
Alexandria 505 [TM 52235] | AET_4.22 Statue of Pamenches (c. 30)
Cairo JE 46320 [TM 52235] | AET_4.22 Statue of Pamenches (c. 30)
Cairo CG 690 [TM 44170] | AET_4.37 Statue of Panas at Dendera (90-30)
BM EA 10845 [TM 48779] | AET_6.19 Appeal against a cruel father (150-30)
P. Ashm. 1932-1159 [TM 43648] | AET_2.10 Papyrus Dodgson : an oracular response (150-30)
{Sehel} [TM 144451 ] | AET_1.6 The Famine Stela (330-30)
I. Bucheum 13 [TM 48539] | AET_9.2.E Epitaph of a Buchis bull (Apr. 29)
O. Athribis 17-36-5/1741 [TM 986815] | AET_9.9.B Horoscope from Athribis (Oct. 27)
BM EA 188 [TM 51866] | AET_4.23 Epitaph of Imhotep-Pedubast (Apr. 23)
BM EA 184 [TM 51865] | AET_5.9 Epitaph of Taneferher (Apr. 23)
{Dendera} - - - - | AET_8.14.A Construction of the new temple of Hathor (22/1)
P. L. Bat. 19, 43 [TM 48821] | AET_6.14.H Mummy label (Apr. 15)
Cairo CG 50044 [TM 53806] | AET_8.14.B Dedication of land to Hathor at Dendera (Mar. 12)
Uppsala VM 941 [TM 50672] | AET_7.6.A Tax receipt (Aug. 11)
Alexandria 474 [TM 54402] | AET_4.38.C Statue of Pachompsais (30-10)
O. Ashm. Dem. 28 - - - - | AET_7.15 Contract for hire of a wagon (Mar. 07)
{Dendera} - - - - | AET_1.5 Hymns to Hathor (1st cent.)
BM EA 10508 [TM 55919] | AET_3.5 Instruction of Ankhsheshonq (1st cent.)
Leiden F 95 / 5.1 [TM 55918] | AET_3.8 Instructions of Papyrus Insinger (1st cent.)
Hildesheim PM 6352 [TM 89804] | AET_5.2 Epitaph of Kheredankh (2nd/1st cent.)