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1 | ROM Q.Fabius supervises elections, in which he is re-elected as consul.
* Read Livy's account @ Ennius:Ann_287; ~Liv_24.7'10-9'6,* 27.6'8; Strab_5'245;(4.6) { CAH_8'70.} |
2 | The Romans assign eighteen legions to the commanders of the war against the Carthaginians.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_24.11'1-9,* 12'7-8, 34.6'13. |
3 | ?? Chrysippus attends the lectures of Lacydes.
@ DiogLaert_7'183-184. |
4 | ?? Lacydes helps in the acquittal of his friend Cephisocrates.
@ Plut:Mor_63'E.(4) |
5 | ?? Lacydes is constantly followed around by a goose.
@ Plin:HN_10'51.L |
6 | ?? Sayings of Lacydes, addressed to Attalus and others.
@ DiogLaert_4'60. |
7 | ++ General comments on the character of Lacydes.
* Read Diogenes' account @ Phld:Acad_21;B Aelian:VH_2'41; DiogLaert_1'14, 4'59-60;* Suda_L'72. |
8 | << Lacydes resigns as head of the Academy.
* Read Apollodorus' account @ Apollod:Fr_47;* DiogLaert_4'60, ~'61; { Lacydes was head of the Academy for 26 years.} |
8a | ASI << Document: THI_121, a treaty of isopoliteia between Miletus and Mylasa. { Errington_p180} |
9 | ITA Hannibal devastates Campania and attacks Nola, but fails to capture any cities.
* Read Livy's account @ Cic:Sen_14; +Liv_24.12'1-13'11, 17'1-8;* +Zonar_9'4;(p169) { CAH_8'53.} |
10 | Gracchus defeats Hanno near Beneventum.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_24.14'1-16'19,* 25.6'1, 26.2'10; Frontin:Str_3.7'24; +Zonar_9'4;(p169) { CAH_8'53; OCD³.} |
11 | MAC {13 Gorpiaeus = July/August} Document: BD_31 (Syll_543'23-49), a second letter of Philippus to Larissa, and the subsequent decree of the city assembly. |
12 | PEL << Aratus persuades Philippus to spare Messene.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_7.10'1-14'6;* ~Plut:Arat_49'1-50'10; { Green_298=215.} |
13 | EGY << Hieronymus sends Zoippus on an embassy to Ptolemy.
@ +Liv_24.16'1. |
14 | SIC << Sosis, a parasite of Hieronymus, persuades him to kill Thrason, another parasite.
@ Athen_6.251'e-f<q" Baton>. |
15 | << Hieronymus marries a prostitute called Peitho.
@ Athen_13.577'a<q" Eumachus>. |
16 | ++ Atrocities at Syracuse during the brief reign of Hieronymus.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_7.7'1-8;* Diod_26.15'1; Liv_24.21'3, 25'2, 25.29'2; Suda_I'200. |
17 | Hieronymus is assassinated at Leontini.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Polyb_7.6'1-7'8; ~Liv_24.7'1-9,* 25.25'3, 26.30'2; Silius_14'99-109; Suda_I'200; { CAH_8'61; OCD³=215.} |
18 | ROM Harsh measures taken by the censors against unpatriotic citizens.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_24.18'1-15,* 34.5'10; ValMax_2.9'8; Frontin:Str_4.1'25. |
19 | MAC The Romans relieve Apollonia; start of the First Macedonian War.
* Read Livy's account @ Ennius:Ann_324; Vitr_10.16'9-10; ~Liv_24.40'1-17,* 31.7'4; ~Plut:Arat_51'1-2; Flor_1.23'6-7; Paus_7.7'7; Just_29.4'4; Festus:Brev_7'1; ~Eutrop_3.13'3; ~Zonar_9'4;(p169) { CAH_8'98; Green_297.} |
20 | BAE The Roman and Carthaginian armies fight near Munda.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Liv_24.41'1-42'8;* ~Eutrop_3.13'3; ~Zonar_9'3;(p165) { See Lazenby, p.129.} |
21 | SIC Democracy is restored at Syracuse.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_24.21'1-23'4,* 25'3-4. |
22 | Adranadorus and Themistus are put to death for allegedly planning to seize power at Syracuse.
* Read Livy's account @ Diod_26.15'2; +Liv_24.23'5-27'5;* ValMax_3.2e'9. |
23 | ASI Antiochus captures most of Sardis, and forces Achaeus back into the citadel.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_7.15'2-18'10,* 8.12'2; { At this stage, Sardis had already been under siege for over a year.} |
23a | ?? Document: THI_36, decrees of Rhodes concerning a dispute between Olympichus and Iasus in Caria. |
24 | ITA The Roman consuls capture Casilinum.
@ +Liv_24.19'1-11; { CAH_8'53; OCD³.} |
25 | PEL Demetrius of Pharus dies in an attack on Messene.
* Read Pausanias' account @ Polyb_3.19'11, 9.30'2; Liv_32.21'3; Strab_8'361;(4.8) ~Plut:Arat_51'2-4; Appian:Ill_8; Paus_4.29'1-5,* 32'2; Zonar_8'20;(p53) { OCD³; Green_298=215.} |
26 | ITA Hannibal advances to Tarentum.
@ +Liv_24.20'1-16; { CAH_8'53.} |
27 | SIC The Romans capture Leontini.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Liv_24.27'6-30'11,* 25.29'3, 26.30'4; Silius_14'110-178; Plut:Marc_13'1-3, 14'1-2; { Green_227=213.} |
28 | Hippocrates and Epicydes come to power in a revolution at Syracuse.
* Read Livy's account @ Polyb_8.3'1; ~Liv_24.30'12-32'9,* 26.30'7; Plut:Marc_14'3; +Zonar_9'4;(p171) { CAH_8'61.} |
29 | ROM The brothers P. and L.Scipio are both elected to be aedile for the following year.
* Read Polybius' account @ Polyb_10.4'1-5'10;* ~Liv_25.2'6-8; Vell_2.8'2; { DPRR.} |
29a | EGY {Thoth -E = Oct./Nov.} Document: AET_7.34.A, a demotic contract for the sale of land to a Greek man. |
30 | {? December} The tribune L.Metellus unsuccessfully attempts to bring the censors to trial, after he has been degraded by them.
@ ~Liv_24.43'1-3. |
31 | SIC >> M.Cato serves as tribunus militum in Sicily.
* Read Plutarch's account @ +Nepos:Cat_1'2; Plut:CatMai_3'3;* [Vict]:VirIll_47'1. |
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| 16.10.24
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